Sunday, February 19, 2023


 The only perfect Preacher—the Lord Jesus—preached with the anointing of the Spirit. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel…” Jesus quoted Isaiah 61:1 in reference to Himself. We too may—and we must—as messengers of God have this might from God!  Consider the quotation of Lloyd-Jones in the first case, the experience D.L.Moody described in the second, and in summary the prayer of Olford in the last one.  In the words of the old hymn, “All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down; Brethren, pray and holy manna will be showered all around.”

Saturday, February 11, 2023


As I read these sobering words I thought how many times God might have used me in a greater way had I only trusted Him more. Pastors may be struggling to lead their flock forward because either they or their congregation just do not trust God. Our preaching on faith will have little impact if our practice of faith is absent. Lord, increase our faith!