Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hello Friends,
This is my first attempt at blogging, so please forgive any goofs. One of the intents of this blog is to publish my sermon notes from Sunday, and other Bible messages from time to time, in an effort to maximize their impact. Too often, Sunday comes and goes and the message I fear does the same--it goes in one ear and out the other. The blog will enable you to review the message substantially as given. Now, it will be in an edited version--usually somewhat abridged. It is not a transcription, but my notes (edited for publication) that I intended to deliver--though in the heat of preaching one never knows exactly how it will come out! Another benefit is that you can catch up on what you missed should you have to be absent on a Sunday. The blog can be used to send the messages to others--an outreach or ministry tool, if you will. Then, we can discuss the message further, field questions and that sort of thing. I'm excited about the possibilities! Something else that might be an option is to start a home Bible study or lunchbreak Bible study built off these notes. I'd be glad to supply some additonal teaching helps, if that works for you. What do you think? Any ideas beyond these? I'd also like for you to know that for the next several weeks, I'll be preaching on the issues of family--marriage, parenting and the like. I'll post the texts. Give me any ideas, illustrations, topics you want covered, etc. and that will help me apply the biblical truth in a very specific manner.


  1. Hey Mia, we sure miss you also. Thanks for the encouraging words. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to read this. Tell everyone we said hello. We even miss Derek.

  2. Thanks Tommy, Peggy, and Margaret! I've just put yesterday's sermon on--briefer than usual because we observed the Lord's Supper. Enjoy!
