Monday, April 10, 2006

John 12:12-15
On this Palm Sunday we gather as the family of God to partake of the Lord’s Supper. When Jesus instituted this memorial meal, He used the elements from another feast He had met with His disciples to observe—the Passover. It was a time God commanded the Jews to commemorate their deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. It was filled with symbolism. But the ultimate symbol was the lamb—the lamb whose blood was applied bringing Israel freedom from judgment. Throughout the centuries, countless lambs were sacrificed upon Israel’s altars—each one pointing prophetically to the ultimate Lamb—the Lord Jesus Christ. So He was identified by His cousin, John the Baptist, when He pointed to Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The Apostle Paul would later write this divinely inspired comment, “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” How did Jesus fulfill the symbolism of the Passover lamb?
1. A PUBLIC PRESENTATION (12:12-15) God decreed that four days before the Passover, the lamb was to be set apart to be sacrificed. Did you know that the very day Jesus made His public entrance into Jerusalem was the day the priests would set aside the Passover lamb for the temple sacrifice? He had been chosen as the Lamb of God set apart, marked for death—His mission to earth to shed His blood for our sins.
2. A PUBLIC EXAMINATION (18:12-14,19-24,28-37) The reason the Passover lamb was set aside was so it would be examined for several days to see that there was no sickness or other defect that would make the sacrifice unacceptable. Not just any lamb would do. It had to be a lamb that was without blemish or spot—a worthy sacrifice. So Jesus is shuttled from one trial to the next—facing judgment by the religious authorities among the Jews and judged by the government authority of the Jews—King Herod, and finally by the Gentile authority—Pontius Pilate. Following His examination we hear:
3. A PUBLIC DECLARATION (18:38; 19:4,6) Once the Passover Lamb was examined it was to be pronounced as an acceptable sacrifice. We hear Pilate say, “I find no fault in Him.” Three times He repeats this. There has only been one perfect Man to grace this planet and that is Jesus—the only Lamb that could take away the sins of the world.
4. A PUBLIC CONDEMNATION (19:14-18) On the Passover, God commanded Moses to have the Lamb slain. The day when that lamb was to be slain in the Temple was the day, the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus, was to be nailed to a cross—the day He would give His life for us. There He hangs, publicly condemned before the gawking, jeering masses.
5. A PUBLIC APPLICATION (19:38-42) Moses had been instructed to apply the blood of the Passover lamb above and on either side of the door. Wherever the blood was applied, that night when the death angel came through Egypt, he would pass over each home and spare them from judgment when he saw the blood. It was a public application.

It was time for Joseph and Nicodemus to come out of the closet as Christ followers. It was time to lay aside their fear and embrace faith. So, to follow Christ today means that His blood has been personally applied to your life. The Bible says, “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Christ, the Lamb of God has been sacrificed for you. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic reminder of that truth. But this sacrifice must be personally applied. Have you done that? Here’s how: admit that you are a sinner—you need to be saved and only Christ can save you. Believe He died on the cross for you and that He rose again. Call on Him in prayer and confess Him publicly. Do it now!

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