Sunday, July 02, 2006

John 2:1-11

June is the month for weddings. Click on the link and here's a video sure to strike terror into the hearts of those getting ready for a wedding!

Let me tell you about another wedding blooper. All the guests had gathered to celebrate when a terrible thing happened. It was no laughing matter. We read about it in John 2:1-11.

Some of you may feel that most of your marriage is one big blooper. What you need is what only Jesus can bring--a miracle for your marriage. How does is happen?

We see it here through:

Jesus came to a wedding. To Him, it was a big deal. Jesus only had three and one half years to accomplish His mission and He wasn't going to waste His time on trivial pursuits.

It was a wedding. The couple didn't just hook up or shack up. This week the media calls us to celebrate the birth of Shiloh, the baby conceived by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. They were asked if they were planning a wedding. No, right now they thought it most important to give time to raising their child. Talk about getting the cart before the horse.

But this was a real marriage and Jesus attendance there forever blessed this most important institution--this thing we call marriage. But what is marriage anyway? Some would relegate it to an archaic tradition of the past. They say, "It's just a piece of paper." Indeed, is that all it is? In this day when there is a call for legitimizing homosexual marriages and polygamy, when marriage can mean anything, then it really means nothing. But that's exactly what the courts are forcing down our throats and spineless politicians cannot even muster enough votes to pass an amendment saying that marriage is between and man and woman! Recently, Gail Harding who serves on our Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee wrote this article for the Buncombe Baptist Newsletter, in which she begins with a quote from President Bush:

"Marriage is the most enduring and important human institution, honored and encouraged in all cultures and by every religious faith. Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and a wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society. Marriage cannot be cut off from its cultural, religious, and natural roots without weakening this good influence on society. Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all.".... President George Bush

My dictionary defines marriage as "the legal union of a man with a woman for life." The pattern was created by God with Adam and Eve. Forty-five of our fifty states define traditional marriage in such a way that same-sex marriage would not be permitted - 19 by state constitutional amendments and 26 by statutes. An additional 12 states will be deciding on marriage amendments sometime this year. Judges have struck down marriage-protection laws and amendments in Massachusetts, Nebraska and Georgia - giving us law by judicial fiat rather than by the people through the legislative process. This illustrates the need for a constitutional amendment to protect marriage as we have known it since the beginning of civilization. Although 45 states, by vote of their citizens, have codified this definition, their Senators have chosen, for the second time, to shelve S.J.Res.1 which states: "Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman."
Sixty votes were needed to end debate and vote. The tally was 49-48, pretty much along party lines as 85% of Republicans voted for and 91% of Democrats voted against. As I listened to senators speak in opposition to the amendment, I heard reasoning such as bigotry, dividing the people, we should be addressing important issues such as health care, Iraq and bringing our boys and girls home, etc. One wonders when the bedrock of our society, the traditional home, ceased to be important in the eyes of those elected to represent us.

We need a marriage miracle in America! The miracle in marriage begins when you acknowledge God's pattern and then:
2. GOD'S PRESENCE IN A MARRIAGE MIRACLE (v.2) Thankfully, this couple invited Jesus to the wedding. Without Him it would have become a disaster! He is the most important guest. I can't imagine trying to found a life-long relationship with someone without founding it on the Rock of Ages--Jesus Christ. The Bible says, "For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." You see, for a miracle in your marriage, you need a miracle worker and His name is Jesus! There is always hope in Jesus. In John 4:46-54 a nobleman pleads with Jesus to heal his son who is dying and Jesus responds with a miracle. If your marriage is dying, He can heal it! In chapter 5 He makes a cripple walk. If you can't get anywhere in your marriage, Jesus can help. In chapter 6, He feeds 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish and comes to His disciples on a storm walking on the water. So, when your resources are exhausted, Jesus can supply and when you're in a storm in your home, He will come to your aid. In chapter 9, He opens the eyes of a man blind from birth. Perhaps you can't see how the marriage can be put together--He can show you. In chapter 11, He raises a dead man--and I have seen Jesus resurrect marriages pronounced dead and buried! He is the miracle worker and the first miracle was in a marriage! How can we see a miracle? There is:

3. GOD'S PROVISION FOR A MARRIAGE MIRACLE (v.3-10) Someone said that marriage is like flies on a screen door. Those that are out are trying to get in and those that are in are trying to get out. If we are single, how can we get in? If we are married, how can we stay in, as God intends? Two principles are seen:

· THE PRINCIPLE OF INTERCESSION (v.3) Present your plea to Jesus. Seek Him in prayer. Here's a statistic to ponder: The odds are that one in every two marriages will end in divorce. But when you do only one thing, the odds go to 1 in 1,052. That one significant thing is to pray together as husband and wife, several times a week on a consistent basis. We will struggle with that. I know my wife and I do. It always seems that other things crowd out our good intentions. Yet, we must make time for a circle of two with Christ promising to be in that circle of prayer. Prayer is that important.

Then intercede for your spouse everyday--cover them with prayer. This is the arena of spiritual warfare where victory is won. Satan wants to destroy your marriage, but God has given us supernatural weapons to overcome him.

What if you're not married? Prayer can lead you to the one God has picked for you. We can pray for others in their marriages. The miracle power is accessed through prayer.

· THE PRINCIPLE OF SUBMISSION (v.4-5) Mary couldn't figure out how He would take care of it--she just believed He would. This is great counsel for all of us--whatever Jesus says to you, do it! Scripture gives the blueprint for a successful marriage: 1) Wives submit to your husbands; 2) Husbands love your wives. Get in the Word of God, surrender to the will of God, join together in the work of God and your marriage will know the wonders of God--a miracle for you!

As singles we must submit to God's will for us and that could include a lifetime of singleness in service to Christ. That may not be the cup we would choose to drink, but life's most important prayer is, "Nevertheless, not my will but Yours, be done!"

4. GOD'S PROCLAMATION IN A MARRIAGE MIRACLE (v.11) A committed, Christian marriage is a powerful testimony to Christ. It results in God's glory and leads people to faith. If the world is going to believe our message of love, they must see it in our homes. If they are going to believe our Gospel of changed lives, they are going to have to witness it in us. Why should they believe us? What is different about us?

Do you need a miracle today? Come to Jesus--He is the miracle Man!

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