Wednesday, April 04, 2007


My father and mother are marching through their seventies. It's hard to comprehend. But time races by...and now I am a grandfather myself. My Dad and Mom's health could decline anytime and I will assume the role of parent and they will be the kids. Talk about a role reversal! But I had best do a good job and care for them with kindness--being patient and having understanding, for I will reap what I sow.

These thoughts were triggered by a poem I received. Drink it in--the hour may soon come for you to face this reality. You may be there already.

Author Unknown

To Our Dear Child:
On the day you see us, old, weak and weary…
Have patience and try to understand us…
If we get dirty when eating…
If we cannot dress on our own…
Please bear with us and remember the times we spent feeding you and dressing you up.
If, when we speak to you, we repeat the same things over and over again…do not interrupt us…listen to us.
When you were small, we had to read to you the same story a thousand and one times until you went to sleep.
When we do not want to have a shower, neither shame nor scold us…
Remember when we had to chase you with your thousand excuses to get you to the shower?
When you see our ignorance of new technologies…
Help us navigate our way through those worldwide webs.
We taught you how to do so many things…to eat the right foods, to dress appropriately…to fight for your rights.
When at some moments we lose the memory or the thread of our conversation…let us have the necessary time to remember…and, if we cannot, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not our conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to us…
If ever we do not feel like eating, do not force us.
We know well when we need to and when not to eat.
When our tired legs give way and do not allow us to walk without a cane
Lend us your hand.
The same way we did when you tried your first faltering steps.
And when someday we say to you that we do not want to live any more, that we want to die. Do not get angry. Some day you will understand.
Try to understand that our age is not just lived but survived.
Some day you will realize that, despite our mistakes,
We always wanted the best for you
And we tried to prepare the way for you.
You must not feel sad, angry, nor ashamed for having us near you. Instead try to understand us and help us like we did when you were young.
Help us to walk…
Help us to live the rest of our life with love and dignity.
We will pay you with a smile and by the immense love
We have always had for you in our hearts.
We love you, child.
Mom and Dad

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