Friday, January 22, 2010


Paul wanted to come and minister to the Roman believers, so God might use him to strengthen their faith. We read in chapter one, verse eleven, “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established.”

The power comes from God. It is a “spiritual gift.” Still, God uses people as channels of His power. The result of this ministry would be that the Romans would be “established” to stand firm in faith.

Someone reading these words is wavering and wobbling today. You have been shaken by some tremor of trouble, but right now God is using His Word to give you strength. God’s Spirit is bringing grace into your life. You were in a state with your head hanging down and you will rise with your heart lifted up.

I am praying for God to use this message in that way. I don’t know who will read it. I don’t know who needs it. But, it is sent into cyberspace with a prayer that God would bring it like an arrow to the heart of someone. Has it hit the bull’s eye?

Are you aware that you can be used by God also? These are words on a page. God can use them. But, how much better are words from your lips, accompanied by genuine concern and human touch. Find someone needing encouragement today and dispense it in generous quantities. God has placed in your hands this tremendous power!

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