Thursday, January 28, 2010


Paul came to the climax of His ministry saying, “I am innocent of the blood of all men” (Acts 20:26). He had no regrets. The apostle had been a faithful steward of the Gospel message entrusted to him. Just before his head would go one way, his body another and his soul another, from the executioner’s blow, his last will and testament was, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) Paul faced death and eternity regretless.

He believed the Gospel message was glorious in:

ITS POWER “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation…” (Romans 1:16a). He wasn’t ashamed of the Gospel. Are you? Rome sniffed its imperial nose at the cross. How could a poor Jew, executed as a criminal save anybody? But Paul knew its power. He wasn’t just a witness—He was part of the evidence! People should see the difference the Gospel makes in us—and then they’ll believe it! The word is dunamis (we get the word dynamite from it) and that describes some people’s religion—it makes a lot of noise, stirs up a lot of dust and one big bang and its over! A better word is dynamo—an engine of energy. That’s what true faith does.

ITS PROVISION “salvation to everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16b) God provides salvation to all who believe. It’s just that simple! God made a way where anybody can be saved. Today, if you are ready to give your life to Christ, God stands ready to forgive you and to save you! God doesn’t ask us to behave but to believe. It isn’t reformation, but regeneration. More than knowing the content of the Gospel in our head; it is a commitment to Christ in heart.

ITS PROMISE “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’” (Romans 1:17) The Gospel promises sinners a right standing before the Holy God by faith in Christ. It was reading Romans, that brought conviction to the immoral Augustine and he was converted and became a brilliant theologian. Martin Luther’s eyes fell on Romans 1:17 and was delivered from guilt and into grace—and the Protestant Reformation began. John Wesley was reading Luther’s commentary on Romans when he felt his heart “strangely warmed” and was saved—helping ignite revival in the 18th century. The promise is to you as well!

Have you placed your faith in Christ?
If so, have you publicly confessed Him through baptism?
Having done that, are you continuing to unashamedly stand for Christ and share the Gospel?

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