Monday, January 25, 2010


This is going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn--but my intent is to glorify the Savior and encourage each one of you to invest in the things that really matter when it comes to your family. I received this email from my youngest daughter, Kelly, today:

Just read the Roaming through Romans email and wanted to tell you thank you so much for being such a Godly father and for sharing the Gospel with me! It's because of you (and mom, who I am also emailing) that I know about Jesus and am saved! There is no better gift that you can give to your children than to tell them about Jesus and I am very grateful. I am already telling Isaiah and Mya about Jesus and will continue to and hopefully they will accept him also. Thank you for setting that example for me. I love you!

That thrills my soul! I can't think of a better compliment to be paid to anyone--can you? Now, if you think it requires perfect parents to accomplish this, then you don't know Marilyn and me very well (though Marilyn is pretty close). What it takes is consistently trying and most of all the grace of God. To Him be all glory and praise!

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