Wednesday, June 09, 2010


The incarnation means that God directly injected Himself into the stream of humanity—not standing aloof from us or detached from our needs—but He became a man and walked among men. He did this in order to die for me. Through the incarnation, I am more than a conqueror. Paul wrote in Romans 8:32, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

When Satan comes at us with a bombardment of doubt, we can pose this question, “Devil, do you think that if God sent His Son to die for me—the greatest gift for the greatest need—that He won’t provide everything else I need?” The result is that there is no deprivation: God supplies to us.

Follow the logic. What if I said to you, ask me for anything you want, and I’ll give it to you, and you said, “What I want is your son. I want his life. I want his blood.” Then, if you also asked, “And by the way, I’d also like to have his car and his clothes and his credit cards with any other valuables belonging to him.” If I gave you my son, do you think that I would hesitate to give you anything and everything else? That is what God did for us so that we can be saved. He gave His Son—His life—His blood. He will certainly supply every other provision. When the devil whispers, “God doesn’t care; you can’t trust Him,” all you need do is look to Calvary! The cross erases all doubts!

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