Monday, June 07, 2010


Paul writes in the eighth chapter of Roman, in verse thirty-seven, “we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” If we are more than conquerors, why are so many Christians living in defeat?

A lot have been defeated by their doubts. 1 John 5:4 says, “This is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” If we forsake faith we will be overcome rather than be overcomers. One of Satan’s most powerful weapons in his arsenal is doubt. A doubting Christian will always be a defeated Christian. I have known many church members in this plight—paralyzed by fear that they might not be saved. It is a miserable place—always wondering, “Did I pray the right words? Was I sincere enough? Was my faith strong enough? Have I been too bad and am I still too bad? Am I going to heaven or hell?” There are people like that who periodically get stuck in the quagmire of doubt. No wonder they don’t get anywhere spiritually!

Yet, God has given us a defense against doubt. Paul says when the fiery darts of doubt come at you from the devil, lift the shield of faith, and you will extinguish them! You say, “But Pastor, where can I get that faith?” Here’s the solution, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God,” (Romans 10:17). Immerse yourself in the Word of God, saturate your soul with God’s promises and when Satan tries to put the squeeze on you to doubt, all that will be wrung out is faith!

So, what we are going to do this week is take the Word of God and seek to build your faith in Christ. You can be assured of your salvation. This is God’s will for you.

Satan will seek to undermine your confidence in the Word of God. He asked Eve in Eden, “Did God say…?” Have you heard his voice—that sly, sinister serpent speaking with forked tongue? In these studies, we are going to turn the tables and ask the Devil some questions—questions for which he has no answer! Paul asks five in Romans 8:31-39 that will help us to see that we are more than conquerors through Christ!

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