Monday, June 21, 2010


This past weekend, we celebrated Father’s Day—and that is a good thing. I’ll tell you an even better thing—I was able to visit with my Christian father. I am so thankful I was raised in A Christian home. That is a great privilege—and if you experienced that, it is impossible to express how much an advantage that is to lead us to Christ.

But, we must remember that God has no grandchildren! Even those raised in a Christian home must receive Christ, personally, as their Lord and Savior. This was the issue that Paul was confronting in trying to reach his countrymen. The Jews of the first century were convinced that it was enough to be physical descendants of Father Abraham, but Paul tells us that it is the faith of Abraham that makes one a child of God.

Here is the reality: whether Jew or Gentile—all people of the world are lost without Christ and are on their way to eternal misery. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that God allows U turns by responding to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have been to a Bible-believing church at all, you have heard the term, “Gospel” many times. But, do we know that it means? The word means, “Good news.” The glad tidings are that Jesus saves! That is good news, indeed.

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