Monday, June 28, 2010


It would only take one word to convince me of the existence of God and the authority of Scripture. That word is: Israel. There is no explanation how the Jews have survived and thrived unless God exists and the Bible is true. Consider the fact that Jews make up less than a quarter of 1% of the world’s population.

Despite these miniscule numbers they have claimed major attention as a people.

They have known more prejudice and persecution than any other race. While all races have periodically known such problems, and some more than others,as concerning the Jews, it is absolutely disproportionate—off the scale! This can only be explained by spiritual reasons, for it makes no rational sense. There is both the wrath of Satan against them and the discipline of God to them.

The three most influential people in the history of humanity are all Jews: Moses, Jesus and Marx, and of course, Jesus stands at the pinnacle—a simple carpenter from Nazareth—a working class Jew of His day. How can you explain this? God exists and His Word is true.

Constantly, this little nation is at the center of world events. Anything that happens in Israel grabs the world spotlight. Why? They are God’s chosen people! Paul wants us to know in Romans chapter eleven that God is not through with the Jew!

“I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not!” (Romans 11:1a). We will see how Israel fits into God’s unfolding drama of redemption in this week’s studies.


  1. Fascinating observations! Can't wait to read more.

  2. I pray you won't be disappointed! Stop by anytime.
