Thursday, July 15, 2010


The other day, at the conclusion of my message, one of our members tried to tell me something. I say “tried” because I wasn’t getting it. The problem wasn’t with them—it was with me! I said to them what I have told others, “By the end of my sermon every brain cell I have is exhausted!” That will never approach being said of God! Paul exclaims in Romans 11:33a, “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!”

Knowledge is the information God possesses and wisdom is the application of what He knows. One may have knowledge and use it as cunning to do evil. God not only has knowledge but out of His righteous character can only apply that knowledge in doing right—and that is wisdom.

God is omniscient. He has never learned anything. He has never discovered anything. He has never been surprised by anything.

I am convinced this is one reason many try to avoid thinking about God—you cannot fool Him. He knows all about you. If you are living in sin, this is a disquieting thought!

But, it is also a comforting thing. He knows what you need before you ask—even before the need arises. He sees the tears that dampen your pillow in the dark. He documents the work done for Him that no one else may notice or reward. He can guide you in the right way for He is flawless in His knowledge and wisdom. Drink deeply of that knowledge and wisdom—it is an inexhaustible supply!

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