Thursday, July 29, 2010


The will of God can be known—if we seek to find it and follow it. God is delighted to reveal His will for us, if we only delight to be ruled by it. It is a mark of the transformed life. Paul underscored this in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (emphasis added).

THE WILL OF GOD IS PROVABLE “that you may prove…”
The Greek word is dokimazo which means “to recognize as genuine after examination.” As we say it, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.” A true inner transformation will always be proven by an outer demonstration.

Why do we think the will of God a bitter pill to swallow? The Psalmist exhorted, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!” Dare we think that an infinitely wise and utterly loving God would be capable of willing anything for us other than our good?

God would only ask us to accept the possible. It may well be difficult, but it is doable. He will give you the grace to do what you ought to do.

God’s will is found in His Word. Start there. We always wonder about, “Should I marry and whom should I marry?” “Should I go to college and where?” “Should I take this job or that job?” We get bogged down in a myriad of minutia—and I am not saying that any detail of our life shouldn’t be scrutinized for God’s desire in it. Rather, I am saying that if we aren’t careful, we lose sight of the forest for the trees. God has many clear principles to guide us in His Word—a roadmap for the essential matters of life. Get it into your mind so you can have renewed thinking and you’ll be amazed at the clarity concerning God’s will you’ll discover.

THE WILL OF GOD IS PERFECT “perfect will of God.”
The word means to be brought to completion. It is that which Jesus declared from the cross, “It is finished!” Flawlessly and faithfully, Christ fully accomplished His mission from His Father. Although we will not always do it impeccably, we can finish well. This was Paul’s testimony. He would write, just before his martyrdom, “I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.” Now, we can do likewise. By the way, God’s will is perfectly suited for you—as He has designed you.

Scripture calls us to be transformed into Christ’s likeness. According to Romans 12:2, this requires a decisive denial, a deliberate discipline and a definite demonstration. Are you right now proving what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God?

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