Wednesday, August 04, 2010


A key phrase, that is found in Romans 12:5, and indeed throughout the New Testament, helps us understand the operation of spiritual gifts, “so we, being many, are one body in Christ.” The local church is the visible expression of Christ’s body to the world. It is how He accomplishes His work. Participation in a local church is the sphere where God builds you up in maturity and sends you out in ministry.

Consider how IN THE BODY WE HAVE DIVERSITY, “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function…” (Romans 12:4).

So the church is one body, but many members. Just as our physical body has different organs and systems that work together to insure the health of the whole, so God has designed the body of Christ. The value and contribution of each member must be acknowledged. Diversity must be embraced and differences must not bring dissension or the body’s health deteriorates, strength dissipates and death may culminate. This happens in churches all the time—how tragic!

Furthermore IN THE BODY WE HAVE DEPENDENCY, “so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” (Romans 12:5)

The parts of my physical body cannot survive independently of one another. We need each other! My body can adapt when some organs are missing, but it doesn’t function as well. Pole Creek will never be all that God wants it to be unless you are involved—each member doing their share.

If not you—who? If not now—when?

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