Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Christians are servants of God. That is a clear mark that enables us to spot a true Christian. It is unthinkable that someone could have repented of their sin and experienced regeneration without submission to Christ’s service. What do we think it means for Christ to be our Lord? The Apostle Paul says this in Romans 12:11, “not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”

The service we render is to be passionate. It isn’t to be viewed as drudgery, but as delightful. What a privilege we have to serve the Lord! Diligence is called for—a meticulous devotion to whole-hearted obedience. We are to be careful not to have lackadaisical attitudes or lagging actions, but to plunge zealously into Kingdom business.

This means to be fervent in spirit. That is, not mere outward conformity—going through the motions—doing our duty. It is an inward compulsion—a spark that ignites one with fire to get the job done and to do it right and to get it right the first time. This service means to spend and be spent to the glory of God.

In heaven, there will be an extension and elevation of our service, “His servants shall serve Him” (Revelation 22:3). If we don’t begin to serve God down here, what makes us think that we are going to up there?

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