Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It’s that wonderful time of year when the harvest is gathered. Summer has come to an end and fall has begun. The last of the crops must be claimed or they will be lost when the first blast of cold air comes to the mountains. There is no time to delay—it’s harvest time!

That is true in the spiritual realm also. Listen to these sad words:
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!” (Jeremiah 8:20)

How tragic—the horror of missed opportunity! Jesus intimated that one soul is more valuable than the entire world--and some of those lost souls are our family, friends, fellow workers and classmates.

It’s harvest time!

This verse from the prophet Jeremiah, reminds us of:

• THE PRIORITY OF THE HARVEST “The harvest is past…” It’s all about the harvest! There are many things we do on earth that are important—singing God’s praises; communicating with Him; being with His people; serving Him, and the like. While not minimizing any of those activities, we will be able to do those in heaven. Something we won’t be able to do is to lead a lost soul to faith in Christ. Shouldn’t we make this a priority while we have opportunity?
• THE PRESERVATION OF THE HARVEST “the summer is ended…” There is a deadline and if the harvest of souls is not completed, they are lost—forever. We must gather them while we can. Is there someone you know who needs Christ? What are you doing to reach them?
• THE PERIL TO THE HARVEST “we are not saved!” Not saved! Not saved! Not saved! Too late! There is no second chance beyond this world. When we are called out to meet God—and that call can come without warning—we must be ready to meet Him. Heaven or hell—eternal joy or everlasting judgment—await that decision.

Sunday, November 7, is “Harvest Time” at Pole Creek! It is the Sunday the time changes and we roll the clock back an hour, for an extra hour of sleep. Statistics show that other than Easter it is the Sunday of the year with the highest attendance. It is a great Sunday for you to invite lost souls you know to come, pray for them, cultivate them, and bring them in to hear the Gospel. Jesus is still mighty to save! Now is the time to get to work in the field!


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