Thursday, September 09, 2010


You can wake up, but then reach over, hit the snooze alarm and go back to sleep! It’s important to wake up, but then you need to get up! “The night is far spent, the day is at hand.” So, Paul wrote with urgency in Romans 13:12.

There are some days that it’s exciting to get up and get with it, but some others it’s a chore. It can be that way on Sunday morning. There was a fellow whose wife called to him, “Sweetheart, time to get up and get ready for church.” He grunted and said, “I don’t feel like it.” She said, “Come on now, you’ve got to get ready.” He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head, “Tell me one reason why!” She said, “Because you’re the pastor!”

I believe we have had some members lose the battle of the blankets and have been mastered by the mattress on Sunday mornings! You won’t get up because you feel like it, but it is an act of the will. It is a discipline. Time to go to work!

Old Vance Havner said, “There is anarchy in the world, apostasy in the church and apathy in the pew.” How true! I’ve had to shake my kids to get them up. I’m trying to do that to you today.



  1. That's a great joke, Dennis. I've heard it told that after he says, "I don't feel like it." he adds, "Nobody there likes me, they all talk about me behind my back and quite honestly I don't really like any of them either."

    Regardless of the punch line, your message is clear. We have to get up and get going. Nothing will happen if we stay in bed. Proverbs 6:9 "How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?"

  2. That punch line would work too! Thanks for dropping by. May God bless you to rise and shine for Him today!
