Thursday, January 19, 2012


"Then Pharaoh said to his servants, 'Can we find anyone like this, a man who has God's spirit in him?' So Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one as intelligent and wise as you are. You will be over my house, and all my people will obey your commands. Only with regard to the throne will I be greater than you.' " (Genesis 41:38-40 HCSB)

Life can be a roller coaster with its ups and downs--a speeding ride that we can respond to with screams of terror or shouts of exhilaration. I suppose in large measure, our response to the hills and thrills depends on our confidence in: 1) The designer of the ride; 2) The director of the ride; 3) The destination of the ride. If we know the one who designed it has built it well and equipped it for safety, that the one who has buckled us in has his hand on the switch directing the ride, constantly monitoring everything, and that the purpose of the ride is to bring you to the destination with no harm with a rewarding experience, then you can strap in, hang on and enjoy the rush!

Joseph experienced the roller coaster of life. The chain of God's blessing began to pull him up the hill as a youngster and it was a steady climb toward the sky. He was strapped in, wearing his colored tunic, object of his father's favor and up, up, up he went. Joseph was a teenager and appeared to be at the top--then came the steep drop. His hateful brothers seize him, strip his garment, shove him into a pit and sell him into slavery--down, down he went--all the way to Egypt!

It was a breathtaking change of circumstances, enough to make the strongest heart pound and make you want to close your eyes and scream. But then, the ride began to go back up, another ascent--not as high to be sure--but Joseph begins to succeed even as a slave in Potiphar's house. Relaxing for a moment, catching his breath and then with a scorned woman's false accusation, the bottom drops out again--flying down another hill and into a dark tunnel, Joseph finds himself in a dismal dungeon. It seems the ride will go on forever.

Then, abruptly, everything changes again. Joseph is out of the darkness and into the light, another hill and he is racing into into the sun. Life's roller coaster has taken him from the pit to the pinnacle, from a prison to a palace, from being a slave to becoming a sovereign. God designed the ride, His hand was always on the switch. He had him securely strapped in with His almighty love. This was no runaway train which would derail in a deadly crash! The Lord had this delightful end in mind. Surely, adrenalin surging, Joseph now laughed, "Wow! what a ride!"

In fact, he has so much fun with it, that he decides to design a roller coaster for his brothers! Won't they be surprised! Did Joseph get a chuckle over watching the panic on their faces as they flew down the hill? He knew that in the end that they too would enjoy the ride--eventually.

Life is a roller coaster. When you are climbing, look around and take in the scenery, but don't be caught off guard if suddenly the bottom drops out. Don't give in to fear, but have faith in the Designer of the ride. He is directing it. You will not fly out of the coaster! When you reach the end of it and disembark in heaven, for an eternal day of amusement, you will raise your hands in exuberance and give a shout that reverberates joyfully through the New Jerusalem, "Wow! What a ride!"

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