Saturday, September 01, 2012


“Then the word of the Lord came to me: ‘Son of man, how does the wood of the vine, that branch among the trees of the forest, compare to any other wood? Can wood be taken from it to make something useful? Or can anyone make a peg from it to hang things on? In fact, it is put into the fire as fuel. The fire devours both of its ends, and the middle is charred. Can it be useful for anything?’” (Ezekiel 15:1-4 HCSB)

The Pet Rock—did you ever have one? It was a fad of the 1970’s. It was promoted as the perfect pet—it wouldn’t bark, bite, or scratch. You wouldn’t have to bathe it, walk it or take it to the vet. It was such a good pet! Good for nothing! It was also not going to jump in your lap, wag its tail when you came in the door, or any of the things that endear us to a pet. So, after about six months the fad faded.

The Jews convinced themselves that they were good. They had been given the Word of God. They had built the House of God. They were, after all, the Chosen People! They were good—but they had become good for nothing.

There are four examples of being good for nothing which Ezekiel describes in today’s Scripture reading.

In chapter thirteen, the prophet writes about FOOLISH WORDS.

“’Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are prophesying. Say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: Hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord God says: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing. Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins. You did not go up to the gaps or restore the wall around the house of Israel so that it might stand in battle on the day of the Lord. They see false visions and speak lying divinations. They claim, “[This is] the Lord's declaration,” when the Lord did not send them, yet they wait for the fulfillment of [their] message.’” (13:2-6)

What good are preachers who tell you what you want to hear, but not what you need to hear? These false prophets proclaimed empty promises of peace and prosperity. Modern day, health and wealth preachers are their heirs. Such build up false hopes, that will only be dashed, and leave those already suffering having it compounded with disillusionment. Someone listens to them and asks, “Have you heard so-and-so? He’s a good preacher!”

Good for nothing.

What good are lies told in the name of truth? What value to listen to a preacher who comes in the name of God but has not been called by God? That describes the false prophet. Nice folks. They have sparkling smiles. Crowds throng to hear their feel-good religion. They take the placebo and leave Dr. Lovejoy’s office thinking they are well. It gives them butterflies just to listen. They are given a shot of morphine, when they needed surgery.

But, it is an illusion, and will one day dissipate as rapidly as fresh whitewash on a wall buffeted by a furious hailstorm (see 13:10-16). When the whitewash was applied it looked good, but it couldn’t stand the storm. So, it is with the modern day approach of whitewashing sin. A storm of God’s judgment is coming and people who have proclaimed lies and those who have bought into these foolish words will be like those of Ezekiel’s time—unprepared.

In chapter fourteen, Ezekiel speaks about FALSE WORSHIP.

“Some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me. Then the word of the Lord came to me:

‘Son of man, these men have set up idols in their hearts and have put sinful stumbling blocks before their faces. Should I be consulted by them at all?

‘Therefore, speak to them and tell them: This is what the Lord God says: When anyone from the house of Israel sets up idols in his heart, puts a sinful stumbling block before his face, and then comes to the prophet, I, the Lord, will answer him appropriately. [I will answer him] according to his many idols, so that I may take hold of the house of Israel by their hearts. They are all estranged from Me because of their idols.’” (14:1-5)

What good are lifeless gods with no power to hear you or help you? In their folly, the Jews worshipped these idols. They took the good life God had given them and devoted it to false worship. The crops and the cattle God blessed them with were offered to inanimate images, instead of given in gratitude to the Creator who bestowed them.

This sin had become so woven into the fabric of their daily lives, and for so long, it could not be unraveled. Judgment was fixed. Even if such godly men as Noah, Daniel and Job interceded for the nation, only they would have been spared—Judah’s doom was determined (14:12-23). They were past the point of no return. It is a chilling truth to consider that you can wait too long and go too far and there is no turning back.

Here are a few lines from J.A. Alexander’s poem, “There Is A Time.”

“There is a time we know not when,
A place we know not where;
Which marks the destiny of men,
To glory or despair.

There is a line, by us unseen,
Which crosses every path;
Which marks the boundary between
God's mercy and His wrath.”
That is why the Scripture exhorts with urgency that now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation! Do not harden your heart!

In chapter fifteen, Ezekiel paints a picture of FRUITLESS WORK.

“Then the word of the Lord came to me: ‘Son of man, how does the wood of the vine, that branch among the trees of the forest, compare to any other wood? Can wood be taken from it to make something useful? Or can anyone make a peg from it to hang things on? In fact, it is put into the fire as fuel. The fire devours both of its ends, and the middle is charred. Can it be useful for anything?’” (Ezekiel 15:1-4 HCSB)

What good is a vine that doesn’t produce fruit? You can’t make lumber from it and build a house. It isn’t sturdy enough to make pegs on which you can hang something. You might as well burn it—and then it is particularly useless—just brittle, charred remains.

Jesus used similar terminology. He spoke of those who professed faith in Him, but produced no fruit for Him. That is worthless faith and wasted words. It is good for nothing.

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper. Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes, and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.

I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers. They gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be done for you.

My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be My disciples.”

In chapter sixteen, the man of God portrays in a parable a FAITHLESS WIFE.

“Therefore, you prostitute, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Lord God says: Because your lust was poured out and your nakedness exposed by your acts of prostitution with your lovers, and because of all your detestable idols and the blood of your children that you gave to them, I am therefore going to gather all the lovers you pleased-all those you loved as well as all those you hated. I will gather them against you from all around and expose your nakedness to them so they see you completely naked. I will judge you the way adulteresses and those who shed blood are judged. Then I will bring about your bloodshed in wrath and jealousy.” (16:35-38)

What good is a spouse who continually commits adultery? Their vows of fidelity are a sham. They continue to eat at your table and sleep in someone else’s bed! They have no love for you, but lust for another. That was Judah.

God had been so good to them, but they were good for nothing. They were nothing when He found them, but in grace He saved them, cleaned them up, clothed them and blessed them bountifully. God made them something! They were all too happy to gorge themselves on His goodness, but returned no goodness of their own. So, God’s anger would burn against them—and we can understand it.

I heard of a little girl who was asked to explain the difference between the clergy and the laity. She answered, “The clergy are paid to be good, but the laity are good for nothing!”

I fear that both those who stand in the pulpit and those who sit in the pew may far too often be good for nothing! What about you? What about me?

From the moment Christ came into my life, I have never been the same. I wish I could say I have never wavered at all, but I have never wandered away long. After all He has done for me, how could I? Some might think I do what I do because it is my vocation, done in obligation for remuneration. Not so!

Since I received Jesus, I have studied His Word as a love letter to me. I have prayed to spend time with the One I adore. I have shared with saints and sinners testimony of my devotion to the Savior who loves me. I have given at least a tithe and sometimes more to the great Giver of all things. I have served Him by serving the church. I have sought to be faithful, to have integrity and be holy for He is holy. I had been exposed to good for nothing church members growing up, and I did not want to be numbered among them! My boast however is not in my goodness, but in the goodness of God within me!

It is easy to slip into the good for nothing mode. It is easy for it is the path of least resistance. It is a broad way, a smooth street, and the crowd is travelling there, so it is the path of popularity. It is easy for it is downhill—all downhill. It seems to be a good road! It is. It is good for nothing for it ends in everlasting sorrow. Were it not for grace that is where I would be. That grace not only set me on the upward way, but it sustains me when I am tempted to turn aside and secures me for glory. God is good—and not for nothing! He is my all—my everything! His Words are true. He is the living God! He will make you fruitful as you abide in His life. He is faithful to His covenant. Let us not be good for nothings!

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