Saturday, October 06, 2012


“After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, preaching the good news of God: ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe in the good news!’” (Mark 1:14-15 HCSB)

It is difficult to end up in the right place, if you don’t start out on the right track! A key to finishing well is beginning well.

What we find in our text is the beginning of Christ’s public ministry. The events recorded here provided the point of departure on a course of obedience to His Father that would lead Him to say, “It is finished”—the race is run, the journey is done, the victory is won!

That’s how I want to end, don’t you? Then, let’s be sure we are on the right track.

Jesus shows us how to get on the right track. In this, as in all things, He is the absolute standard.

Jesus was on the right track because of THE WITNESS THAT HE SHARED.

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. As soon as He came up out of the water, He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending to Him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven:

You are My beloved Son; I take delight in You!

Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness 40 days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels began to serve Him.” (Mark 1:9-13)

If we are on the right track, others should be able to see it! I am talking about more than His talk, but His walk. The witness wasn’t merely declared by His lips, but demonstrated by His life—and there was utter consistency!

Jesus was consistent in communicating THE WITNESS OF HIS VIRTUE.

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. As soon as He came up out of the water, He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending to Him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven:

You are My beloved Son; I take delight in You!” (v.9-11)

Listen to the Father’s commendation: “You are My beloved Son.” From the time of Christ’s appearance at the age of twelve, in the temple, to his baptism at the age of thirty, there are eighteen hidden years of maturing—growth in the day to day activity of the carpenter shop, in the laboratory of family life and immersing Himself in the Scriptures and intimate prayer with His Father. He passed that part of His schooling!

God doesn’t develop His leaders in a microwave, but a crock pot! We want everything—now! That’s why we have instant rice, instant coffee, instant credit, and so forth. But, there is no such thing as instant maturity. We know this to be true, physically. It is also a spiritual reality. You won’t do better than Jesus—as the Model Man, there was development, and it was declared delightful by His Father.

Then Jesus steps into public view. Baptism was a testimony of His identification with sinners and mission to die and rise again. This was yet another step of obedience—there would be no turning back!

As He came up from the water, the Spirit came down upon the Savior. This was the Spirit’s anointing for ministry. He was conceived by the Spirit, always filled with the Spirit for He was always obedient to and reliant on Him, and now Jesus is empowered for ministry as the Holy Dove comes upon Him.

It is a must for ministry! We need that energy to serve effectively. Only then will you find yourself propelled down the right track. You can’t function without unction!

Jesus also consistently communicated THE WITNESS OF HIS VICTORY.

“Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness 40 days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels began to serve Him.” (v.12-13)

The key phrase here is “tempted by Satan.” This was the biggest test to date. It was an exam He had to pass to be on the right track.

Did you notice that He was driven by Spirit?

God isn’t the author of temptation to sin—that’s Satan’s work; but the other side of that coin is God permits Satan to tempt us as His test to reveal our character. The Devil’s intent is to entice us to evil, while God’s design is to demonstrate our devotion.

Jesus passed the test and displayed His impeccable credentials! May God help us to do so! It is certain that the test will be unavoidable—but if God leads us to it, He will lead us through it, providing we rely on Him in faith and respond in faithfulness, as Jesus did.

There are a couple of additional details Mark adds to His abbreviated record of the wilderness temptations (as compared to Matthew and Luke’s Gospel accounts).

First, Mark tells us that “He was with the wild animals.” Now, don’t get the idea of Jesus alone in the wilderness, huddled in fear as lions roared and vipers slithered and vultures circled, as if He were in danger. On the contrary, as Daniel could pillow his head on a lion’s back in a den of ravenous beasts, Jesus was in no peril. In fact, He was in perfect harmony with creation. Paul calls Him, the “last Adam” and the “second Man,” in 1 Corinthians 15:45-49. As the first man, Adam, and the animals were without fear in their relationship before sin turned things violent, Jesus came to restore what that Adam forfeited. He would be the Prototype of a new race—made in the image of God. One day when He returns to reign, the lion will lie down with the lamb!

Second, we see that “the angels began to serve Him.” He was a real man, even though a perfect man—flawless flesh, yet frail flesh. Jesus lived among us and experienced the trials and tests that are common to man. After this titanic battle with the Wicked One, He needed strength to go forward. He was physically spent after fasting for forty days, as well. So, the angels come to minister to Him. This is their job concerning God’s children—for you and me. Concerning these celestial beings, Scripture offers the rhetorical question, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve those who are going to inherit salvation?” (Heb.1:14) As GOD in the flesh He was sovereign over the angels, and as God in the FLESH He was strengthened by the angels. It is heresy to deny Christ’s deity, but also to deny His humanity. This is the mystery of the incarnation:

“And most certainly, the mystery of godliness is great:
He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated in the Spirit,
seen by angels,
preached among the nations,
believed on in the world,
taken up in glory.” (1 Tim.3:16)

Jesus was on the right track by the witness that He shared and by THE WORDS THAT HE SPOKE.

“After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, preaching the good news of God: ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe in the good news!’” (Mark 1:14-15)

If we are on the right track, we should be able to tell others how to get on it! From out of the fountain of His pure heart, flowed these powerful words from Jesus’ mouth—a mighty river of truth.


“After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, preaching the good news of God: ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near.” (v.14-15a)

Focus on this phrase, “the kingdom of God.” This is the source of His message. It came from above. So, He spoke with authority.

What does this mean—the kingdom of God?

The kingdom of God is the rule of Heaven over all. As in every kingdom, there are laws which govern the conduct of the citizens.

Notice that John had been proclaiming that message and now that his voice is soon to be silenced in death, Jesus will take up the message.

God always has someone to lead us on the right track. In every generation, he raises up witnesses to the truth. The lamp of one messenger will someday be extinguished, but God’s truth shines on. The torch of truth is passed on to another. Eternity is the source, so eternity is the course, for eternal is the force! This is the invincible, irresistible kingdom of God!


“Repent and believe in the good news!’” (v.15b)

As I said in yesterday’s lesson, this is the core message of the Bible. It is the word of the Old Testament prophets, of John the Baptist, of Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament. It is still our message for today.

Being on the right track means that both repentance and faith are needed not to derail! As a train runs on two rails, these convey the message of the good news. Turn to Christ and trust in Him. He will save you—and that’s the Gospel truth!

Being on the right track, means following Jesus in the witness that He shared, the words that He spoke and in THE WORKERS THAT HE SUMMONED.

“As He was passing along by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, Simon’s brother. They were casting a net into the sea, since they were fishermen.

‘Follow Me,’ Jesus told them, ‘and I will make you fish for people!’ Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. Going on a little farther, He saw James the son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in their boat mending their nets. Immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed Him.” (v.16-20)

Being on the right track means we show it by our life and share it with our lips, but also that we summon others to join us on the trip. It’s more fun to take the trip with others—to share the experiences of life. The Christian life as we have said is not just about believing, but about belonging. It is one vital reason why you need to stay in the fellowship of the local church.

“And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works, not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” (Heb.10:24-25)

Jesus did not make the journey alone. Fully man, He needed the company of others. How much more do we!

We hear A CALL TO FOLLOW. Jesus beckoned, “Follow Me.” Observe that this is not a call to follow precepts primarily, but to follow a person preeminently. Jesus doesn’t just show us the way; He is the way! Having someone to give you directions is good; someone to actually guide you is better!

Jesus poured His life into them. To follow Him is to forsake all else. They left their father, they left their fishing and they left their friends (v.20).

There is just one direction if you want to be on right track—everything else is a detour. Follow Jesus!

The call to follow is A CALL TO FISH. Jesus said, “I will make you fish for people.” Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. His was a great fishing expedition.

He calls us to join Him in that work and fish for souls of people!

You don’t have to worry about “the hole being ‘fished out.’ There are plenty of fish. Lost people are everywhere—more than ever!

The Gospel is the net. We cast it out as we share the message of Christ.

Jesus makes us into fishers of men. Apart from Him we cannot catch men, but apart from us, He will not. This is our job. We are to pray to God for the Spirit to open their eyes and ears to the truth and to plead with the lost to receive Christ.

You could be the bait, and invite someone to attend the worship service—and I will cast the Gospel net. Or better still, you can cast the net yourself, and then bring the catch to the church house where we can see the trophy of God’s grace and give Him glory.

Are you on the right track? This is how Jesus began His work and it is the model for us to follow. All aboard!

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