Tuesday, December 18, 2012


“Long ago God spoke to the fathers by the prophets at different times and in different ways.  In these last days, He has spoken to us by [His] Son. God has appointed Him heir of all things and made the universe through Him.  The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of His nature, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”  (Hebrews 1:1-3 HCSB)

Have you ever known someone who had to have the last word?  Are you married to him/her?  Are you that one?  Somebody does get the last word—and it is God!  Who can dispute His decree or debate His decision?  He is infinite wisdom backed by almighty power residing in an eternal Being—He gets the last word.

The truth is—God speaks.  I am communicating His truth now.  Since we are made in His image, we speak and listen, read and comprehend.  As cash is a medium of exchange, so our words are the currency of communication.

The best of books is the Good Book—the Bible.  There had to be a Bible—this God who reveals Himself desired to convey His nature and clarify His will by having His Spirit inspire the prophets and apostles to document His work and words in the Holy Scriptures.

The writer of Hebrews tells us that God has spoken.  He has done so in different times and in different ways through His spokesmen.  For instance, God spoke to Moses in a burning bush—he heard an audible voice.  God whispered to Elijah.  God gave Isaiah a vision.  He had Ezekiel convey His truth through object lessons.  Hosea lived out God’s message in his own marriage.  God took His finger and wrote down His Ten Commandments on two tablets of stone.  He told Jeremiah to have his scribe write down what He dictated to him.  There were occasions that God sent an angel to speak to His prophets.  God has spoken.

Now, He has spoken His last Word—and that Word is a Person—Jesus Christ.  Someone has well said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and in Jesus we have the complete picture of God.  He told His disciple Philip, “The one who has seen Me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9b)  When Jesus worked, people saw the works of God.  When He spoke, people heard the words of God.  Where He walked, people saw the wonder of God.  There is no further revelation given—none is needed.  He is the last word—He is the living Word.

All of the Old Testament revelation was preparation—telling us that the Living Word is coming.  The Gospels are manifestation—telling us that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.  The remainder of the New Testament truth is explanation—telling us what it means that God has spoken through His Son and what we need to do about it.  The canon of Scripture is closed with a book appropriately named, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”  God’s last Word has come—and is coming again—and will have the last word in judging the world and calling into being new heavens and a new earth.

The author of Hebrews wants us to know that Jesus is superior to all things and in every way.  He is the extreme excellence of all excellences.  His intent in stressing this was to stop some in their tracks who were starting to slip away from their profession of faith.  They were Hebrews who had announced a decision to follow Christ.  Then they discovered that self-denial was hard and carrying a cross meant pain—persecution made them have second thoughts—and some were turning back.

How foolish!  Turn back to what?  Everything else was inferior to the Son of God.  Should they return to follow the Law of Moses?  Jesus was Moses’ God!  Should they listen to angels?  The angels were in submission to the Son.  Jesus is the ultimate—the end all of all—the final answer and the last Word.

There is none like Jesus—there has never been One like Him and will never be another.  He is Jesus, the One and Only—the unique Son.


“God has appointed Him heir of all things…” 

It is an eternal decree for there has never been a time that He was not the Son and thus the heir.  Still the possessing of that which is His from eternity will transpire in time, and be His for all eternity when He reigns forever and ever, King of kings and Lord of lords.  He is the Only Son and claims the inheritance of His Father.


“God…made the universe through Him.”

Since all things were made by Him, Jesus Himself is eternal and uncreated.  The Triune God was at work speaking all there is in heaven and earth into being.  Since He fashioned it, He owns it.  Christ lays claim to His creation—every inch of soil, each star in the sky, each square foot of the cosmos—all His.  We are impressed with the vastness of the universe.  We are in awe of the power we see in the storms that sweep our planet.  We marvel at the beauty of nature.  How much greater is the One who called it all into being!


 “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory…”

The glory of God is His essence visibly manifest.  That radiance is the outshining of His attributes.  John would phrase it this way concerning Jesus, “The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.  We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)  In the Old Testament, the glory cloud took up residence in the Tabernacle, but in the New Testament, that glory made its home in a tabernacle of flesh when a Babe was conceived in the womb of a virgin named Mary.  The Light of the World would burst forth in Bethlehem’s stable and the Prince of Darkness would not be able to extinguish that Light of Life though he tried to seal Him in a tomb.  One day we will behold that radiance face to face and dwell in His glory eternally!


“The Son is…the exact expression of His nature”

In essence the Father and the Son are One.  To see Jesus is to see God.  To hear His voice is to hear God speak.  To observe His character is to observe God’s character.  The Greek term translated “exact expression” was used in the minting of coins.  The image of a king would be stamped on the metal.  If someone asks you, “Who is on a quarter?”  Your response is, “George Washington.”  Now, it isn’t really the “Father of our Country,” but is his likeness.  In a far greater way, Jesus bears the imprint of God—the Eternal One engraved all over Him because He is the eternal Son.  Jesus is fully God and yet the Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father.  One God—three Persons—and the image of the invisible God the Father is identically seen in the Son of God.

"Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel" (Charles Wesley)


“The Son is…sustaining all things by His powerful word”

Jesus is not only the One who spoke all things into existence as the source, but His word holds all things together as the sustainer.  I had a friend who when he was young put some chicks on a turntable to give them a ride.  “It will be like a merry-go-round,” he thought.  So, he turned the record player on 78 RPMS and it was a disaster—chicks went hurtling everywhere, slapping into the walls with deadly impact.  Think about the fact that the globe you are on is spinning at an incredible rate of speed, turning on its axis.  At the same time, our planet is flying at high velocity through space in its annual circuit around the sun.  While all this transpires, our moon is orbiting the Earth.  Then, there are other planets in our solar system that are orbiting, spinning, with moons, and the solar system itself is on the move through the galaxy, and the remarkable thing is—why doesn’t everything fly apart like those chicks?  Jesus holds it all together by the sheer power of His command!


“After making purification for sins…”

This is why He came to earth.  Jesus was born a man to live a perfect life, qualify as the sinless substitute for sinners and be sacrificed for us.  Many verses in Hebrews remind us that the Old Testament sacrificial system could never atone for our sins.  Those slain animals were a bloody reminder that sin required a price, and prefigured the Lamb of God who alone could come and purify that sin.  Each offering was a shadow of which Christ was the substance.  Those Mosaic offerings were an object lesson to point people to a Savior to come—and through the obedience of their faith—God saved them “on credit” so to speak, until the payment was made.  Thank God it has been—paid in full!  That brings me to our final consideration.


“He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

When your work is done, you go and sit down—mission accomplished.  That is what Jesus has done.  Our Lord cried out from the cross, “It is finished!”  All that was required to bring us salvation had been accomplished.  Every demand has been satisfied.  Now, He sits and waits until the Father will send Him to bring the final consummation of all things.  Then will come to pass the last, “Amen” of Revelation:

“Then the One seated on the throne said, ‘Look! I am making everything new.’ He also said, ‘Write, because these words are faithful and true.’  And He said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.’” (Rev.21:5,6a)

In that day, every knee will bow before Him. 

Some will bow madly—Satan and his fallen angel followers, as well as the debauched, depraved and defiant among men.  Hitler, Stalin and Mao will gnash their teeth in anger as they are consigned to the Lake of Fire.

Some will bow sadly—realizing too late that they might have been saved had they called on the Lord.  Fully intending someday to get right with God, they missed their opportunity and with weeping they are sentenced to eternal sorrow.

But, I—and hopefully each of you reading this—will bow gladly!  Having received Christ here, we will be invited into His joy hereafter.  If you want to bow gladly in eternity, then you need to bow gladly on earth.  Receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  What will it be to see Jesus face to face—to bask in His glory, to worship at His nail-scarred feet, and abide in His love and peace in the place of breathtaking beauty called the New Jerusalem!  Come, Lord Jesus!

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