Saturday, March 09, 2013


“This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.” (1 Timothy 3:1 NKJV)

Occasionally some young man will approach me and say, “I believe the Lord is calling me into the ministry.”  Why does he think that?  How does he know?  For that matter, how can I be sure God has called me?  I don’t want this to be a case of the blind leading the blind!

Periodically, it is good to return to the Word of God and examine the standard God has set for those who would shepherd His flock.  This is serious business for the sheep are His—and bought at such a high price—the blood of His dear Son!

Paul, in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 sets forth the shepherd’s standard.  Even today, as I read them, I am challenged by these impeccable qualities and called to elevate my lifestyle—to see if I have let any matter slip and take corrective action.

These are not optional, but essential qualities.  Though there may be some times of struggle and shortcoming to fully exhibit them all, these characteristics must mark the pastor’s lifestyle.

Paul begins with, “This is a faithful saying.”  Five times Paul uses this expression in the Pastoral Epistles to highlight a particular truth.  All truth is, of course, important, but these matters seem to be underscored by the Apostle in terms of their strategic significance to the church.  In this case, the priority of having a man of sterling character to mount the pulpit each Lord’s Day is given emphasis.  If the man who leads is not a man of God, then the church is in trouble!


Lord, You are my Shepherd—and in Your Son, we see the Perfect expression of the Shepherd—and now by Your Spirit generate those qualities in me and in all Your pastors as we look intently into the mirror of Your Word.  At times I struggle to attain them in the measure You demand.  I repent and seek Your grace to keep my vision clear and my steps steady in this course You have established for men of God.  In the name of the Good Shepherd, Amen.

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