Saturday, August 17, 2013

THE SHEPHERD’S STANDARD: The Fidelity to Marriage

“A bishop then must be…the husband of one wife…” (1 Timothy 3:2 NKJV)
Our vows before God are serious.  That includes our marriage vows.  Faithfulness to God and faithfulness to others is indispensable in Gospel ministry.  The call to preach is a call to fidelity.  If a man is not faithful to his wife, how can it be expected that he will be true to his other commitments?

The choice of a proper mate is crucial, if you have not already married.  A pastor’s wife will either be the wind in his sails or an anchor to his ship—but, she will make a huge difference in propelling his ministry forward or holding it back.

I know a man—a very gifted preacher—who has never been able to accomplish what he might have done because of a wife that undermined that possibility.  To his credit, he has remained faithful to her through all her issues.  He is to be commended, but one may only wonder what might have been had she supported him instead of burdened him.

So, if you are in a marriage that brings more heartache than help, cast yourself upon the Lord.  His grace is sufficient.  Be faithful and trust Him to make you fruitful.  God can use a difficult spouse to refine our character, and teach us to love those tough to love.  Church work has those in ample supply.

If you aren’t married, seek God’s will before you walk down the aisle.  My hope for you is that should God want you married that you will find a mate like the one I have found!  I am so thankful for a wife that loves God, loves me, prays for me and supports the church!


O Lord of Love,
I praise You Sovereign Shepherd for leading me to find someone who is just suited to me.  What a gift I have in my dear wife!  Lord, bless her today and care for her.  May I always be faithful to my marriage vows.  Keep the Destroyer away from our home!  Guide each single shepherd and help him serve you as a single man or find the spouse you have for him.  Strengthen each struggling shepherd who is in a difficult marriage.  Pour grace into his life and his wife.  Turn things around!  Do not let him entertain unfaithfulness and use the problems as an excuse for it.
In the name of Jesus our Bridegroom,


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