Wednesday, August 14, 2013

THE SHEPHERD'S STANDARD: The Pursuit of Holiness

“A bishop then must be blameless…” (1 Timothy 3:2 NKJV)
The requirement for a pastor to be “blameless” may stop many potential candidates in their tracks.  If I must be sinless to stand in the pulpit, then how can I qualify?

But, it isn’t perfection that is required; it is purity.  That is, there needs to be evident the pursuit of holiness in my life.  Where and when I have sinned, there has been repentance.  Confession has brought cleansing.  The pastor has his sins under the blood of Jesus (1 John 1:9).  This also means—to the degree possible—that we have righted wrongs done to others.

Being blameless means that no one can blame us—being able to rightfully point a finger of blame at us concerning some glaring moral flaw and brand us a hypocrite—calling others to repent while we show no evidence of the same.  If someone looks at the pastor and immediately thinks of scandal, he will be incapable of the moral authority required to lead.

This character quality calls for an incredible amount of grace.  God’s Holy Spirit must ignite a passion in us for holiness, and then His Word fuel that pursuit.  We must never allow the flame to diminish, lest the tempter take advantage of our carelessness.  Tend the sacred fire!

Plainly, pastors need to pursue holiness—not that other members of the church don’t, but the leader must set the standard.  Our competence is required, but our character is non-negotiable.  It is foundational to ministry, and that is why it leads the way in this list of requirements.


Holy God,
You are holy, holy, holy!  We join the seraphim with that cry!  With the prophet Isaiah, we also confess our corruption as we stand in Your glorious presence!  As You called the prophet to go speak for You, so You still call unworthy instruments—save for the fact that You cleanse us when we confess our sin.  Thank You for Your grace and mercy, or none of us could stand behind the sacred desk!  Yet, let us never presume upon Your grace to accommodate sin.  As we once pursued sinful pleasure, material prosperity and worldly position, may we now relentlessly pursue holiness and its accompanying desire for Your pleasure, eternal reward and humble service that constitutes greatness in Your Kingdom.  With Robert Murray M’Cheyne let us pray, “God make me as holy as a saved sinner can be!”
In the name of Your Holy Son, Jesus,


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