Thursday, August 22, 2013


From my morning devotions in “A Leader’s Heart” by John Maxwell, August 22, 2013


There is surely a future hope for you,
And your hope will not be cut off.
(Prov.23:18 NIV)

One of the greatest gifts leaders can give to those around them is hope.  Never underestimate its power.  Winston Churchill was once asked by a reported what his country’s greatest weapon was against the Hitler’s Nazi regime. Without pausing for a moment he said: “it was what England’s greatest weapon has always been—hope.”

People will continue working, struggling, and trying if they have hope. …It is a leader’s job to hold hope high, to instill it in the people he leads. …Battle of Verdun hero Marshal Foch observed, “There are no hopeless situations: there are only men who have grown hopeless about them.” (p.245)

It is my prayer that I can lead you to look up to Jesus, and that whatever challenge you are facing today, no matter how deep the valley, and dark the path you walk, that God’s promise of hope will break through to light your way and lift your spirit.

May Pole Creek Baptist Church ever be a place where you can find hope!

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