Saturday, September 14, 2013


“A bishop then must be…able to teach” (1 Timothy 3:2 NKJV)

As observed in these studies, most of the qualifications for the pastor listed here deal with character.  This one, however, stresses competence.  The pastor is supremely a man of the Word, and has an ability to teach it.  If we are not capable communicators, we may lead in other areas of ministry, but the office of pastor would not be one of them.

Alford says: “not merely given to teaching, but able and skilled in it.  All might teach to whom the Spirit imparted the gift: but skill in teaching was the especial office of the minister on whom would fall the ordinary duty of instruction of believers and refutation of gainsayers.”  Expositors says: “didaktikon (διδακτικον), as a moral quality would involve not merely the ability, but also the willingness to teach, such as ought to characterize a servant of the Lord (II Tim. 2:24). [1]

So, the pastor is not just tolerable, but skillful in preaching.  He is noted for it.  Although he is a pastor—and that involves a host of responsibilities, many will refer to him as, “the preacher” because he will be associated with this vital role and will exhibit a mastery of his craft.

According to the meaning of the word, he likewise has a passion for preaching.  It does not come across as a duty to be grudgingly fulfilled, but a privilege and delight to stand and proclaim the treasure of truth!

Of course, a passion for preaching requires a passion for preparation—all the prayer, study of the text and the application of homiletics (the art and skill of preaching) that he can muster.  This must be done week after week—and sometimes multiple times each week.  If that fire is not in a man’s bones, then it will be evident in the pulpit—and he should resign as soon as possible.  Such is not qualified to be a pastor.

Old Matthew Henry said of a pastor that he is, “ready to take all opportunities of giving instructions, who is himself well instructed in the things of the kingdom of heaven, and is communicative of what he knows to others.”[2]


Father of Light,
Jesus is Your only Begotten Son—and You made Him a preacher!  What grace is this that You would permit us to wear that title!  Keep a fire burning in our bones to preach the Word!
In The Name of Your Son and Our Savior, Jesus,

[1] Wuest, K. S. (1997). Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
[2] Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: complete and unabridged in one volume. Peabody: Hendrickson.

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