Monday, November 18, 2013


All during this holiday season, we will hear the words, “Merry Christmas!”  Yet, for many the hustle and bustle of activity, elbowing through crowded malls, elevating your balance on credit cards into the stratosphere—all this and more will lead some to be more on the mad side than the merry side.  Others will not be mad, but sad—due to a death of a loved one, a disappointment they have experienced, a disease they are struggling with, a dearth of financial resources, or other reasons—and their theme song is, “Blue Christmas.”  None can deny the very real struggles and strain that may arise during this time of year.  Yet, I believe we can still choose to rejoice in our Redeemer’s birth and express it with a sincere, “Merry Christmas!”

How can “Merry Christmas” be more than words?  The first twelve verses of Matthew, chapter two give us insight.

SEEK THE RIGHT PERSON (v.1-2).  The Magi came to seek the Savior.  They met Herod. They heard from some scribes.  There were a lot of important people around—including Joseph and Mary—but the singular pursuit of the Wise Men was the Christ Child.

Little children will be seeking Santa.  For adults, family and friends gathering together is special.  We have to race to this party or that function—grandma’s, our parent’s house, and so on. Just don’t forget that Christmas is about Christ—seeking Him.  If you get that relationship right, the others will take care of themselves.

SEE THE RIGHT PLACE (v.3-9).  The Magi didn’t travel to Rome and Caesar’s imperial palace, and even though they stopped in Jerusalem, they didn’t take time to visit the Temple, and didn’t stay any longer than necessary in the capital.  They came to Bethlehem—that obscure village—because that was the focal point of God’s activity.

Don’t feel like you have to be in the middle of the crowd this December to experience the work of God in your life.  We must not insist on being in a prominent place, but in the center of God’s will for our lives.  Is it possible we might encounter God in a soup kitchen at the homeless shelter?  Might we know more joy in Christmas by spending time with a widow, consoling her in her loneliness?  You might be surprised!

SET THE RIGHT PRIORITY (v.10-12).  The Wise Men worshipped Christ with exceeding joy!  They presented their costly gifts to Him.

If you seek happiness in the holidays as your goal, you may miss it.  Rather, a merry Christmas is a by-product of seeking the Lord Christ.  Remember what Jesus said about priorities?  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Merry Christmas!


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