Wednesday, January 01, 2014

THE SHEPHERD’S STANDARD: The Cultivation of Contentment

“A bishop then must be…not greedy for money…” (1 Timothy 3:2,3 NKJV)

Covetousness is a basic prohibition—the sinful spirit forbidden in the tenth commandment.  The New Testament calls it idolatry.  Covetousness is a cancer of the heart—materialism—that becomes a consuming craving which captivates the pastor’s passion and clouds the pastor’s vision.

If a preacher doesn’t get into trouble with the lust for a woman, then this is the next most powerful enticement—the love of money.  Covetousness characterizes false teachers (Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:1–3, 14; Jude 11), but not Paul’s ministry (Ac 20:33; 1Co 9:1–16; 2Co 11:9; 1Th 2:5).”[1]

The pastor who is greedy will supplant the Biblical bottom line of seeking God’s glory with pursuing monetary benefit.  This corrosive force decimates the minister’s testimony.  The world believes that every man has his price—and if we succumb to greed, then we have affirmed their worst thoughts about pastors and their hypocrisy.

The NASB renders this to be, “free from the love of money.”  There is a liberating power in contentment to preach and serve without concern for how it affects the giving of some wealthy member who might not appreciate the message or desire a different direction in the church.  We don’t work as a hireling, but as a true shepherd!

Contentment is the antidote to the disease of covetousness.  Let us cultivate it by focusing on the eternal and find the blessedness of giving rather than getting.

The question is, “Where will a pastor invest his life?”  Will it be in the pursuit of God’s Kingdom agenda or in building his own little kingdom?  Will the shepherd fleece the sheep for his profit or will he feed them for their good and God’s glory?


Blessed Giver of All Good,
Thank You for Your assurance that You will supply our needs.  May we rest in contentment that the One who feeds the fowls and clothes the flowers will do so for His servants.  Grant us Your spirit of generosity that will root out the spirit of greed which is the spirit of the age.
In the Name of the Perfect Provision, Jesus,

[1] MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006). The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (1 Ti 3:3). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

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