Saturday, January 25, 2014

THE SHEPHERD’S STANDARD: The Leadership of Family

“A bishop then must be…one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?)…” (1 Timothy 3:2,4-5 NKJV)

Our home is a laboratory for leadership.  God has ordained the father to shepherd that little flock.  If a man fails to lead those lambs, he will fail in other leadership areas as well—and especially in the church.  The same skills in leading a family are required to lead a congregation.  It may prove to be the greater challenge!

The reality is that when children have become adults, they will chart their own course—often, if pointed in the right direction, they will set sail on a life of following Christ.  Sadly, some will choose a different way, much to the heartbreak of godly fathers.  But, while the children are at home, they are under the supervision of God’s man and he is responsible for leading them.

It is a grave responsibility, and Satan will try to find a way to destroy the pastor’s home.  Therefore, the man of God must give his children much attention.  If we are not careful, we can become so consumed with leading member’s children to Christ that we neglect to win our own!

This is no easy task.  Yet, guiding our children to Christ and growing them in Christ is our duty.  The lambs of our household must be fed, led and protected just like those in the house of God.  Tender love and sacrificial ministry is to be rendered to the pastor’s sons and daughters.  The word, “care” is the command for what we are to do—and that is most suggestive. Lange in his commentary remarks about the same Greek word, “It is used in Luke 10:34, of the care of the Samaritan for the wounded Jew.” [1]  Our children will sustain many a wound along the way—physical, emotional, relational and spiritual.  We rightfully attend the church member in such a case, so let us not dare to ignore these hurts in our home.

A pastor’s reverence and submission to his Heavenly Father should move him to teach his children to respect and submit to their human father.  Instructing children to respect authority is one of the indispensable lessons needed.  May we renew our commitment to it.


Perfect Father,
I am not!  A fallen man, filled with flaws—yet, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb—how much I need your wisdom and work in and through me on behalf of my children.  Enable me to be a good model for my wife and children to follow.  Have grace and mercy on my family!  Overrule my errors and guide me so I know how to guide them to heaven!
For the Sake of Your Son Jesus,

[1] Lange, J. P., Schaff, P., & van Oosterzee, J. J. (2008). A commentary on the Holy Scriptures: 1 & 2 Timothy. (E. A. Washburn & E. Harwood, Trans.) (p. 39). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

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