Tuesday, January 21, 2014

THE SHEPHERD’S STANDARD: The Spirit of Gentleness

“A bishop then must be…gentle…” (1 Timothy 3:2,3 NKJV)

Gentleness is an attribute of Jesus, the Great Shepherd.  In this, as in everything, He is our Model.

Christ’s ministry was in fulfillment of Isaiah 42:3, “a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench” (ESV), as quoted in Matthew 12:20.  Picture a plant whose stem has been bent and bruised.  It must be cared for with great tenderness or it will break and not survive.  A smoldering wick is almost gone out.  It requires a gentle breath to reignite the flame—blow just a little too hard and the fire is gone forever.

There are people like that we encounter all the time in ministry.  Life has bent them over with crushing burdens.  They are bruised and at the breaking point.  The fire of hope which once burned so brightly has been virtually quenched.  Good shepherds reach out with tender touch, and gentle voice, lest we do more damage than good.

This is the spirit of gentleness.  It is the spirit of Jesus.  This is the fruit the Holy Spirit will produce in us, if we but cultivate it.  God help us to do so!


Gentle Shepherd,
How grateful we are for your tender touch!  Where would we be today, if You had not reached down into the mud and gently lifted us?  You might have stomped on us—we had no business being there—but instead You stooped and scooped us up in Your arms.  Lord, there are so many in Your flock that are struggling today—just ground down to the verge of despair.  We see it in the weariness in the eyes, the slump of the shoulders and shuffle in the steps.  We hear it in their sighs.  Please give me the breath of Jesus to rekindle their zest for life and zeal for the eternal.
In the Name and in the Spirit of Christ,

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