Friday, November 14, 2014



Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.  (Psalm 37:5-6)

It was the summer of 1976.  My wife and I had been seeking God for His direction in our lives.  He was stirring us—but to what end?  There was much we were doing in church, but always a nagging thought that there was something more He wanted.  In the old open-air auditorium at Ben Lippen Conference Center, we went to hear the late Stephen Olford preach.  That night he took his text from Psalm 37:5-6 and issued an invitation to commitment to God’s call.  My wife and I signed a card, “Lord Jesus, anything, anywhere, anytime—I am ready!”  Although I have fallen short at times of this, it has been my consistent goal.  What does this text say about our commitment to the call of God—whether that is to be a missionary, a pastor, a secretary, a salesman, or a factory worker—whatever?

We fail when we make our plans, pray for God to bless them, and then wonder why things don’t pan out.  What we must do is commit ourselves to God’s plans and then we will have His blessing.  It comes down to faith.  Do I trust Him?  God has not promised to do what I want, but that He wants me to do what He wills.  Wisdom is to bring myself into alignment with His purposes and not to try to persuade God that my agenda is worth His favor.  God’s train is moving down the tracks.  He invites me to get on board.  I could decide to get in front of that train and seek to derail it—and that is madness!

This could be the dawn of a new day.  The righteousness of God could radiate from us as we walk with the Lord in the light of His way.  The justice of our cause will be established in the submission of our course to His roadmap.  It will be as clear as the sun at high noon can reveal it.  What brought me clarity in my calling?  It was commitment first!  I had wrestled with the specific assignment He had for me, but couldn’t gain confidence in any particular area.  I didn’t grasp that what God wanted was not my ability, but my availability!  When I made the commitment, He filled in the details.  When I yielded to anything He wanted, within a week I knew the one thing—I was called to preach the Gospel.  Commitment to that call has sustained me through some dark valleys of discouragement and carried me through many deep waters of difficulty.

We all can think of many opinions.  Others feel free to give many opinions. “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel—that will stand.”  (Prov.19:21)  What we must do is find that singular focus—an understanding of God’s call for us.  Any other path we chart turns to quicksand.  There is solid ground on God’s straight and narrow road.  Commit to His call today, or renew your commitment made long ago.  You’ll be glad you did!

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