Monday, December 22, 2014



I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.  (Psalm 13:6)

I can carry a tune…that’s about it.  No one is going to hear me sing and say, “You ought to go on one of those TV talent shows—you could win!”  But, I am convinced God enjoys my singing.  Perhaps when I am belting out a hymn as I shower in the morning, my wife puts a pillow over her head, and my dog starts howling, but maybe the Lord smiles and says to the angels, “Stop and listen to that!  Isn’t it great?”  It is precious to Him because it comes bubbling up from my soul…a heart brimful of love that demands to overflow in a song I cannot contain!  Our Minister of Music does not need to prod me to sing.  It would not be worship if I could not express myself in song, and be caught up in the singing of others.  While carnal motives could lead me to simply seek to be entertained, and my focus might be misplaced on being awed by the talent of others, the reason I am caught up in song is that I am captivated by my God!

The gift of music is a precious blessing bestowed by our Creator.  He has woven such creativity and skill into the fabric of our souls.  Supremely, music is a means of exalting God’s greatness as we sing to Him, and exclaiming His goodness as we sing of Him.  How can we help but sing as we reflect on His character—and our love relationship with Him?  God is good, and I am glad!  From a mind consumed with gratitude I will make melody in my heart, and raise His praise from my lips!  Why, the little birds greet their Maker in the morning with sweet songs, and shall I do less than the fowls of the air?

I will sing!  Won’t you join me?

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