Wednesday, December 31, 2014



You are my hiding place;
You shall preserve me from trouble;
You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.
 Selah  (Psalm 32:7)

Years ago, the godly Corrie Ten Boom wrote a book—later made into film—called, “The Hiding Place.”  It documented God’s preservation of her life through years in a Nazi concentration camp.  She did find God to be her strength and shelter who preserved her.  If you have never read the book or seen the movie, I would encourage you to do so.

The fact is that this world is filled with foes.  Satan and his minions are continually seeking the downfall of God’s people.  We, however, have a strong tower—a place to hide from Satan’s fury.  The Lord God Almighty is our refuge.  We are secure in Him.  Trouble abounds, but God protects and preserves our soul from trouble.  It is true that our physical state may suffer.  Corrie Ten Boom did, and her sister died from the brutality of their imprisonment for the cause of Christ.  Some of God’s choice servants have not been immune from hardship and heartache.  Still, the real person who is promised to be preserved is the soul that indwells this body—our spirit that is in this world but not of it—if we have been born again.  My life is hid with Christ in God.  None can pluck me out of His hand.  Having come to Christ, I cannot perish!  God is our hiding place, and I run to His arms!

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