Sunday, January 11, 2015


The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah.  (Nehemiah 1:1a)

Jesus was a Man with a mission.  His mission statement was “to seek and to save that which was lost.”  (Luke 19:10)  There was a singular purpose.  The Apostle Paul likewise had a laser-like focus, “but one thing I do…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  (Phil.3:13-14)   In the Old Testament we see a like-minded man with such a heart for the people of God—Nehemiah—a man with a mission.  As you read his book, his devotion to the Lord and dedication to God’s people pervades every page.  No matter what leadership role he occupied his zeal was for the glory of God and the good of God’s children.  His story can challenge us.

We see him as an ATTENDANT.  “For I was the king’s cupbearer.”  (Neh.1:11b)  God does a work by first preparing a leader.  God prepared Noah to preserve life on earth.  He prepared Abraham to establish a covenant people.  Then, God prepared Moses to deliver those people.  Many more examples could be furnished, but this is ever God’s way.  He placed Nehemiah in a strategic spot.  It wasn’t by accident, but appointment; not coincidence, but providence.  That is true of each of us.  We are where we are by the sovereignty of God to make an impact for Him on our circle of influence.  Nehemiah would throw caution to the wind, and step out of his comfort zone.  That’s faith, and God blesses it wherever He sees it (Heb.11:6)

Nehemiah was an ARCHITECT.  “Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.”  (2:17b)  He was more than a butler—he was a builder.  He knew the walls needed rebuilding for the preservation of God’s people.  In a spiritual sense, leaders of the church are “wall-builders” against the threats that abound in this hostile world.  Nehemiah surveyed the extent of the need, the availability of resources, and came up with the plan, provisions and personnel to get the job done.  He did more than tell the people what to do—he rolled up his sleeves and set the standard.  The general doesn’t need to sit in a tent at the back of the army, sending out orders to the troops, but lead the charge from the frontlines!  “So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.”  (4:6)  Are we motivating people by serving rather than demanding to be served?

Nehemiah was an ADMINISTRATOR.   “I was appointed to be their governor…” (5:14a).  He proved himself to be an able administrator.  Although he never shirked responsibility, he also knew the importance of team building, organization and delegation.  He didn’t allow his position to become a point of pride.  His leadership manual was the Word of God.  His power for service was prayer.  Thus, he tapped into Divine wisdom that guided his leadership.  This wisdom intersected with the people in every dimension of life—government, finance, worship and family.  Godly leaders share practical truth, functioning as salt and light for all of society.

Be a person God can use—I assure you that He is willing if you are!


  1. Steve Harris3:14 AM

    Great leadership principles for anyone in ministry. May Nehemiah's tribe increase with bold, single-minded, creative, service-minded leaders today.

  2. Thanks brother! I appreciate you! May God bless your ministry!
