Thursday, March 26, 2015


“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  (John 16:33)

Watch an hour of two of cable news before you go to bed, and you are sure to toss and turn with a troubled heart.  Imported right into your home will be all the carnage and destruction from near and far, burning graphic images into your mind, and driving peace from it.  While believers are not to succumb to naiveté, neither should we to yield to gloom and doom.  Just listen to how we talk!  So much of our conversation is about how bad things are, and anticipating worse.  Indeed, the world is careening toward judgment, but THAT IS NOT THE END!  The end of it all is Christ on the throne, paradise restored, and eternal joy for the people of God!  A woman knows the birth pains are part of the joy of childbirth (John 16:21).  She can look beyond the contractions to the celebration of new life—and this is the attitude that Jesus calls us to have in John 16:33.

We can cheer up because of Christ’s CRUCIFIXION (John 16:16-22, 29-33).  Here we observe this dichotomy—the darkness that would descend upon the disciples due to watching Jesus be seized and slain, but the light that would arise because of His atoning work on Calvary.  There would be no possibility of real peace in our hearts without experiencing peace with God—and that was only possible through putting away our sins.  This is what Jesus would accomplish in the horror of the cross; He would bring us the hope of forgiveness.  We are reconciled to God by the blood He shed so cheer up!

We can cheer up because of Christ’s RESURRECTION (John 16:16-22).  If the cross and the cemetery were the end of Him, then that would be the end of hope, yet He assured His followers repeatedly that He would see them again!  The lifeless eyes that closed in death would pop back open on the third day, as up from the grave He arose!  Jesus called them to look beyond the tribulation He would suffer, and see the triumph that He would secure.  We serve a risen Savior who has defeated death so cheer up!

We can cheer up because of Christ’s INTERCESSION (John 16:23-28).  After His resurrection, the disciples would face another disappointment—Jesus would leave them after forty days and they would watch Him ascend back into heaven.  Even in this, there would be a glorious purpose—He would be the intercessor for us to the Father—praying for us continually—and consider this: because of our relationship secured by Him, the way of bold access has been opened where we may come directly to the throne of grace!  Are you facing troubles today?  Take it to the Lord in prayer.  He is listening.  Cheer up!

We can cheer up because of Christ’s REVELATION (John 16:22).  We need not limit this promise to His resurrection, but see it extending to His revelation at His second coming.  There is no need to wring our hands and pace the floor today, when I know all will be well some glorious day!  Jesus has overcome the world!  The war is won and all that remains is the mopping up of some pockets of enemy resistance—and that day is approaching.  Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King!  Hallelujah!  Cheer up!