Monday, March 23, 2015


And the LORD said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke.”  (Exodus 34:1)

One of the most difficult marriage counseling crises that I encounter is when a spouse has been unfaithful.  It takes a special love and commitment on the part of the mate who was sinned against to forgive and restore the relationship.  It does happen, and I have seen the miracle.  That is God’s kind of love.  Israel was unfaithful to Him, yet, God gave them another chance.  Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Peter, and Mark are some instances that come to mind where failure on their part was met with forgiveness on God’s part.  That is the nature of God.  Israel had been miraculously delivered from slavery in Egypt.  How grateful were they?  They made a golden calf and worshipped it!  Here is God’s response, “And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.’ ”  (Ex.34:6-7)  This is amazing grace!

The God of the second chance gave them THE NEW COMMANDMENTS (Ex.34:1-4).  They had broken the first set, spiritually, in their idolatry and Moses broke them, literally, in his indignation.  God gives them a replacement.  They would be no better able to keep them than the first edition, but that is why Jesus came.  He fulfilled all the righteous demands of the law and became our substitute so that through faith in Him we are saved.

God also gave them THE NEW COMPREHENSION (Ex.34:5-9).  Moses had learned so much on Mount Sinai the first time, but now God summons him to another revelation of Himself.  The fellowship broken by sin was restored in repentance.  The cloud caused by disobedience was lifted by love and a new light broke through.  Today can bring the dawn of a fresh revelation of God, if you will come up to His throne and meet Him!

Further, God issued THE NEW COMMISSION (Ex.34:10-17).  God reminds them of His purpose for bringing them out of bondage—to bring them into blessing!  They were not to be content with wandering in the wilderness, but advance to abundance.  There were marvels to behold, victories to win, and rewards to gain.  Has sin robbed you of your passion and power for service?  You can be restored to delight in your duty!

Then came THE NEW CONSECRATION (Ex.34:18-28).  They had been unfaithful to their vows, but God summons them to renew their commitment.  The failures of the past can be supplanted by our faithfulness in the future.  First love can be rekindled.

This brought THE NEW COUNTENANCE (Ex.34:29-35).  The shadow on Moses’ face from coming from Sinai the first time and seeing the sin of the people, was replaced by the shine on his face from the second visit and seeing the smile of the Lord.  Let us spend time in His presence this day until that glow is reflected on our countenance—nothing between my soul and my Savior!  Take away the veil and gaze on Him (2 Cor.3:7-18)!

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