Wednesday, April 15, 2015


This past Sunday morning, we had a tremendous outpouring of people sharing what they were asking God to do in their hearts and in our church in seeking revival.  The following are a list of some of those concerns.  There were many more--this is just what we have been able to process, but we have been praying for them all.   We wanted to share these so you could join us in prayer.



·         Boost our faith in God’s promises so we can convey our faith to others

·         Our revival evidenced by love and passion for Christ that is visible outside the church

·         Revival in our hearts

·         Hearts to be set on fire and abandon apathy

·         Do not be content with the status quo

·         A miracle that will change the world and lead all mankind to know the true loving God

·         Lost souls

·         Acknowledge Jesus is Lord

·         Make our church grow spiritually

·         That time will not matter, only hearing the word of God

·         Commitment of members to study Bible

·         Broken fellowship restored between members

·         Holy Spirit fill church and people

·         Stop worrying about change and do what’s best to reach our community,

·         Try to reach the unchurched and unsaved

·         Support for revival

·         Many people will be saved and healed

·         For us to become the light we should be
·         To bring more scripture and accountability
·         Removal of X-boxes
·         Bring Bible and scripture back to them
·         To provide our community with loving youth and future God loving leaders
·         Demons cast out of all our youth
·         Youth and young adults grow and have a passion to do God’s work
·         That youth ministry would be stronger
·         Youth program to be revived
·         Youth—numbers down
·         More teens to attend revival
·         An end of apathy
·         Passion for Christ and His people
·         Zeal for the lost
·         Spiritual apathy
·         Stop going through the motions of worshiping our Lord
·         Wake up and be about meaningful work
·         To touch the hearts and lives of our people
·         I don’t want to go through the pain of a dying church
·         All lost souls
·         Renewal for the church
·         Focus for other’s salvation, our growth and Christian maturity
·         Make our lives a sacrifice
·         Baptize 500 people in the next 5 years
·         Return of joy, peace and fervor
·         Encourage each other to greater love of God
·         Outpouring of the Hold Spirit
·         Workers act with boldness
·         Families to come together in love
·         Lost to know Christ
·         Lots of lost people to receive salvation
·         More people to come to Christ
·         Salvation for the lost
·         Not to be complacent
·         Reach out to the lost
·         Think more of others than ourselves
·         A revival in all our members
·         Evaluate use of churches time and resources to ensure we are drawing people to Christ
·         Lead men to lead revival in their own homes
·         Pray there is no room at the altar
·         Be a better leader
·         For my heart to be one of compassion and love
·         Soften my heart to draw others to the Lord
·         Thorn in the flesh that needs to be removed
·         Make God a priority in my life also people a higher priority
·         Make me a bold witness
·         Want to see my family and friends  be revived so they will get back in church and serve the Lord
·         Renewed love for Jesus
·         Renewal of the spirit
·         Joy in Christ
·         Draw closer to our Savior
·         Revival in me

·         Hold me accountable

·         Clear the nonsense from my life and church

·         Be totally committed

·         Preparation of my soul

·         Cleansing through prayer and the Word

·         Strength and boldness

·         Eliminate busyness and stress

·         Speak to the hearts of my family

·         Desire personal relationship w/ God

·         I want to grow and be a better husband, father and servant for God

·         Focus on training our children in such a broken world

·         Seek God’s will in raising our children

·         Be filled with grace instead of judgement

·         Listen to the Lord’s voice

·         Use me to do your will and be better witness

·         Grown in my relationship with Christ

·         Opportunities to serve are revealed to me

·         Draw closer to God and make Him a priority

·         Hold Spirit show me what to do

·         Revival starts with me, commit to a closer daily walk w/ God

·         Care and pray; go and do

·         Holy Spirit to move in my heart

·         My priorities to be in line with Jesus




·         Salvation for my husband

·         Family, parents, kids

·         That my husband and son would attend revival

·         My husband

·         Salvation for the lost in my family




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