Saturday, May 02, 2015


She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors;
The virgins, her companions who follow her, shall be brought to You. (Psalms 45:14)

Much ado is made about royal weddings.  When some British royal is set to marry, the news accounts carry the announcement.  You may be sure the television cameras will be there to carry it around the world.  In Psalm 45, we have a royal wedding described.  These verses go far beyond the marriage of an earthly monarch and his new queen, to prophetically point to the Eternal Majesty and His bride.  Talk about a royal wedding!  That is not mere speculation--a number of these verses are referenced in the New Testament as referring to Christ.  The Psalm is messianic in nature.

We observe THE BRIDEGROOM (v.1-8).  The superscription of the Psalm tells us this is a love song.  Its theme is of Christ's love for His people and that love reciprocated.  His appearance is incomparable, with a countenance that is breathtaking and a glory that is indescribable.  His features are fairer than the fairest of men.  His speech is sweeter than the sweetest of singers.  The psalmist overflows in effusive praise in considering Him.  As a river at flood stage cannot be contained in its banks, neither can the writer restrain his mouth from praising the Lord.  The King's majesty is extolled and His sovereignty exclaimed. He is seen in His second advent when Christ comes in power and glory--the victorious warrior coming to reign with His bride.  At His first coming, Jesus came as a carpenter to redeem His bride, and in His second coming, He is the conqueror who receives His bride.  Christ was born as a babe in Bethlehem, robed in human flesh, but He is declared the Eternal Son without beginning or ending.   Someday soon He will step out of those ivory palaces again and carry His bride back to His home!

We see THE BRIDE (v.9-17).  During the Old Testament era, Israel was Yahweh's bride--and God still has a plan for recovering His adulterous spouse.  Now, in this dispensation, Christ is claiming His bride--the church.  We would not be wrong to see this as an illustration of a New Testament truth.  The wedding processional begins in verse nine, as the attendants walk down the aisle--then, "Here comes the bride!"  She has left her past behind and comes to embrace her glorious future (v.10).  This is repentance--an end to the love of this world, and an entrance to the love of the Lord.  We bow to Him and He beautifies us (v.11).  Although the church is despised and ridiculed now, she will be vindicated and celebrated in that future day (v.12).  The church will be robed in royal righteousness--presented as a spotless bride in the beauty of holiness (v.13-15).  Christ takes His glory and crowns His queen with it (v.16-17).  The church's offspring--the royal princes--gather around her in heaven.  We do this by our witness today in winning the lost to Christ.  They will all be part of that wedding someday--from every nation, tribe, and tongue.  What a day that will be!

Have you heard the call of Jesus to come to Him?  He loves you and wants you to be His own.  Leave your sin and fall into His arms!  There you will find forgiveness and more!  We shall reign with Him forever and ever!

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