Monday, May 04, 2015


Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised
In the city of our God,
In His holy mountain. (Psalms 48:1)

God has never asked my opinion on His decisions.  Who am I to question them?  That doesn't mean I can explain all of them!  Since He is God, I submit to them.  We walk by faith and not by sight.  Case in point--I have seen Jerusalem.  Why God picked that plot of ground as the apple of His eye, and chose that city to be His is beyond me!  I understand Jerusalem today is not all it once was.  In the height of its glory, under Solomon's reign, with the Temple there, and Jerusalem a center of prestige and prosperity, it was impressive.  Yet, what of the glory of ancient capitals like Babylon, Athens, and Rome?  If we took a poll, it may well be that their splendor might supersede that of Jerusalem.  It isn't up for a vote, however.  God has made the call.

It is THE CHOSEN CITY (Ps.48:1-3).  An omniscient God has sovereignly selected Jerusalem.  The Psalmist speaks of the blessedness of Jerusalem (v.1). It is blessed to be called the city of God and located on His holy mountain.  The sons of Korah also extol the beauty of Jerusalem (v.2).  It is said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  The Beholder here is God--and if He says it, it is so.  Then, there is the Builder of Jerusalem.  The Lord has established her, and is her governor, "in her palaces," and guardian, "her refuge."

It is THE CONQUERING CITY (Ps.48:4-7).  Many have been her foes, she is encircled by them today, and the worst is yet to come when Antichrist holds brief sway over her.  The history of Jerusalem has seen the streets paved crimson with the blood of Jews.  Despite all that she stands--and will survive Armageddon, emerging triumphant as King Jesus returns to reign!  We note the enemy's attack (v.4). Why is Jerusalem the focal point of terror and the Jews the object of such hate?  Satan and his minions cannot assail God, so they attack His beloved.  Their plans will be thwarted.  The psalmist writes of the enemy's awe (v.5).  The explanation for past deliverance and future hope--against overwhelming armies arrayed against her--is in the supernatural power of God.  This brings the enemy's anguish (v.6-7). The wrath they seek against the city instead rains down upon them!

Jerusalem is THE CELEBRATED CITY (Ps.48:8-14).  Past laments will give way to promised laughter, echoing through her streets.  The city is celebrated for it is founded by God (v.8).  It stands firm and fortified.  Jerusalem is favored by God (v.9). She is the object of His lovingkindness.  The city is filled with praise (v.10-13). Those joys will flow to the ends of the earth!  Jerusalem is forever of God (v.14). He holds the deed and will not relinquish it.

We would do well to note that Jerusalem today pales in comparison to what she shall be when Christ returns.  Further, the millennial capital is a reflection of the greater glory of the New Jerusalem in heaven above.  That is our eternal home.  Take what is said here, and apply it exponentially to that City of God--your heart filling with anticipation!

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