Monday, June 01, 2015


Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!  (Deuteronomy 5:29)

If you Google “top ten,” you will find a top ten list of just about everything.   For instance, when I did, it pulled up a top ten list for songs, movies, auto insurance companies, greatest people of all time, best rock drummers, and so forth.  The list of lists goes on.  Did you know God has a top ten list?  We call them the Ten Commandments, and one presentation of those is in Deuteronomy 5.  Deuteronomy means “second law.”  It is not a second version of God’s law, but a second proclamation of it.  The adult generation that came out of Egypt had heard the law stated the first time, but miserably failed to obey it.  The consequence was that they would perish in the wilderness—and by the time Moses speaks here, they had.  Now a new generation needs to know God’s top ten—and that is what you find in this chapter.

These commands reveal the very heart of Holy God.  They are the essence of His law—every other command flows from these.  They span the dimensions of  life in how we relate to God and man.  God was not offering suggestions; He was setting expectations.

  • The first commandment (v.6) deals with Who we worship.  Yahweh is to be the exclusive object of worship. He will tolerate no rival.
  • The second commandment (v.7-10) sets the way we worship.  Idolatry is forbidden.  We are not to worship a false god, neither are we to worship the true God in a false way.
  • The third commandment (v.11) reminds us that the name of God is sacred because His name represents His nature.  Using His name profanely is besmirching Him.
  • The fourth commandment (v.12-15) declares that God not only has a sacred name, but a special day.  One day set aside from work to focus on worship is the way of remembering that all of our days belong to God, and we are a stewards of time.
  • The fifth commandment (v.16) calls us to respect our parents who are God’s representatives to us.  Honoring them shows we honor our Heavenly Father.
  • The sixth commandment (v.17) underscores the sanctity of life.  Human life is made in the image of God, and is not to be taken in murder.
  • The seventh commandment (v.18) shows the sanctity of marriage.  Unfaithfulness to our spouse is unfaithfulness to God.  We are stewards of our sexuality.
  • The eighth commandment (v.19) tells us about the sacredness of property.  What God has given to us is not to be taken from us in theft.
  • The ninth commandment (v.20) sets forth the sacredness of truth.  We are to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for God is truth.
  • The tenth commandment (v.21) is one that deals with attitude and ties all these actions together.  Coveting position leads us to idolatry, where we worship false gods and in false ways, desecrate God’s name, His day, and His representatives—our parents.  Coveting possessions can lead us to kill, commit adultery, steal, and lie about it.  Deny covetousness and you nip other sins in the bud.
We would do well to make God’s top ten ours also!

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