Thursday, July 23, 2015


And when He had come out of the boat, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit….  (Mark 5:2)

There has never been anyone like Jesus.  He stands unique—astride over history and eternity—being wholly God and fully man.  There has never been a time that He was not and never a time that He will not be, yet, He had a birth and death in this world.  God became flesh and revealed His glory to us in the thirty-three years that Christ walked the shores of Galilee and the streets of Jerusalem.  Those who met Him, met the Master—the Lord of glory dwelling among humanity.  When they met Him, they were never the same.  Those who do so today experience the same life-changing Person.  In the fifth chapter of Mark’s Gospel, we see three examples of those who met the Master.  What a difference it made for them!

There was a man who met Jesus as the Master over demons (v.1-20).  Here was a tortured soul—a man possessed by a legion of demons.  A legion of Roman soldiers could contain six thousand men!  This fellow was in a horrible state, banished to a life in a cemetery, uncontrollable, self-destructive, and naked. We do not know how he gave himself to such evil, but somehow he opened the door to his heart and these malignant spirits invaded and took over.  Everything was about to change as he met the Master.  No demon—not a legion of them—could resist the authority of Christ!  He commands them to come out, and they must.  This man would never be the same.  Jesus still sets souls free today.  The dark forces that can bind us tremble before Him and flee.

There was a woman who met the Jesus as the Master over disease (v.24-34).  Wherever Jesus went, He was engulfed by masses of people.  They were drawn to Him in their need for they knew He had power like no other to meet those needs.  They hung on His every word for they knew that He spoke like no other with wisdom from heaven above.  There was a woman—plagued by a persistent loss of blood, with its physical impact and social stigma—that believed if she could just get close enough to touch the hem of His robe, she would be healed.  Somehow, in her weakened state, and despite the wall of humanity in her way, she reached out and her faith tapped into Almighty power conquering her disease.  Jesus still can heal the sick today.  Nothing is too hard for Him!

There was a family who met Jesus as the Master over death (v.21-23; 35-43).  Jairus, a ruler of the local synagogue, sought Him, desperate for his little daughter who was dying.  In fact, before Jesus arrives at the home, the young girl dies.  The sounds of grief greet Jesus and the disciples as they walk up to the house.  “It’s too late!” they say.  That might be true for somebody else, but Jesus was not just somebody else!  Jesus broke up every funeral that He attended.  He restores breath to the girl and in the process takes the breath away from all those who were there!  The power of death had to yield to the Lord of Life!

Have you met the Master?  I have—and it is always life changing!  You can meet Him today.  I promise you will never be the same.

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