Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us….  (Hebrews 12:1)

I can’t recall for sure who said it, but an old preacher once declared, “Every time I stand up, other men stand up inside me.”  So true!  Many others have shaped my life and their legacy of faithfulness has been passed down to me—now I am trying to pass it on.  One of our members, Gene Williamson, gave me a framed piece of art called, “The Legacy,” which hangs behind my desk in my study.  It features a pastor standing in the pulpit, with his Bible open, while surrounding him are prophets and angels unseen…the cloud of witnesses surrounding and supporting him.  That’s what a legacy is all about, and it is why we celebrate Homecoming each year.

This year, as we look to the past and remember those who have gone before us—the light of their influence still lighting the way—we will hear from a number of those whose ministry has been significantly impacted by Pole Creek.  They served on staff, answered the call while here, went into denominational service, or in some fashion were shaped by the legacy of doctrinal fidelity and missionary zeal found here.

This is a time for the young to reconnect with our roots and be grateful for those who planted the tree so we could sit under its shade today.  It is a long shadow that is cast—99 years.  It is also a time for the old to recall the purpose for which we exist and look to influence the next generation, even as our forefathers did for us.

Join us, Sunday morning, September 13 for our ninety-ninth birthday!  Sunday School starts at the normal time—9:45—but, will be abbreviated.  Homecoming worship starts early at 10:45, followed by lunch.  Our theme is, “The Lord Reigns,” and we exist because He does, we have a message because He does, and we have a glorious future because He does!  Invite former members and friends to join us.  It is going to be a great day!

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