Thursday, September 10, 2015


And they anointed David king over Israel.  (2 Samuel 5:3b) 

The life of David is prophetic of the life of the Son of David—Jesus Christ—in many ways.  David’s life can be divided into two parts: the first was one of humiliation and rejection of David the shepherd; the second part was one of exaltation and reign of David the sovereign.  So, Jesus came the first time as the Good Shepherd—in humiliation and rejection.  In his second advent, He will come as the Chief Shepherd—in exaltation and reign.  There are some parallels in the fifth chapter of 2 Samuel between David’s coronation and the Son of David’s eventual one.  Of course, we do not have to wait to enthrone Christ, but can do so now in our heart.  His kingdom can come to the individual and extend to every facet of life—and it should.  If Jesus is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all! 

Let us note the coronation of a shepherd (v.1-5).  David was readied for his reign by humble service.  He shepherded his father’s flock in preparation for leading the people of Israel.  All those experiences of being despised by his brothers, hated by the leaders, and marked out for death were preparing him to wear the crown.  Jesus would wear a crown in His first coming, but it would be a crown of thorns.  The Good Shepherd would be misunderstood by his own brothers, rejected by both the secular and spiritual leaders, and sentenced to death.  Yet, as with David—in God’s time—He will be crowned with glory, as His forefather was crowned with gold.  Those who will be subjects of that coming kingdom must have a coronation of Christ in submission now.  This happens when we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Just as the Jews became tired of their old master (Saul) and bowed to a new master (David), so we spurn our old master (sin) and surrender to the new Master (Jesus) in repentance.  As David forgave those who rejected him at the first, so Jesus forgives and welcomes former rebels. 

We next observe the conquest of a stronghold (v.6-10).  Jerusalem seemed an unconquerable fortress, but the city would be taken and be known hence as “the City of David.”  When Christ comes to a heart fortified by sin, where the Devil is firmly entrenched, we know He can overcome and capture our heart, as He drives out the enemy.  Ultimately, the city that withstood Christ’s offer of peace at His first coming, will become the place of His reign at His second coming.  Jerusalem that rejected Him first, will receive Him as Lord! 

Finally, we see the confirmation of a sovereign (v.11-12).  Other kings would recognize David’s sovereignty.  In this example, it is Hiram, the king of Tyre.  When Christ comes to reign in our hearts, His rule extends to every area. This anticipates the time when Christ returns as King of kings and Lord of lords.  Then, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord!  What a day that will be!  My heart cries, “Come, Lord Jesus!” 

When Christ returns, some will bow madly—enemies forced to bow; some will bow sadly—who meant to become His subjects but continued to serve sin.  Hell will be a place for each, where both teeth are gnashed in anger and wails are raised in anguish.  I will bow gladly in eternity, for I have submitted to Christ on earth.  Have you?

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