Saturday, October 24, 2015


Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior….  (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

The Christian is a citizen of two kingdoms.  We are citizens of the United States of America and citizens of the kingdom of heaven. We pledge allegiance to the flag but our ultimate allegiance is to Christ.  Jesus said it this way, “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.”  The Christian is to impact both kingdoms.  One way we do this is through prayer. 

Paul tells us PRAYER FOR OUR LEADERS IS REQUIRED.  Would it be a sin to commit murder?  Do you believe it is wrong to commit adultery? What about stealing, lying, blasphemy, or drunkenness? Why do you believe these things are wrong? The Bible says so. Then, let me ask, is it a sin to fail to pray for our leaders? Yes, because in the Word of God we are commanded to do so. It is easier for us to complain to other people about the failures of government than to confess our own failure to God in neglecting to pray for government.  The Apostle says that prayer is to be the first choice not the final chance. 

Furthermore, PRAYER FOR OUR LEADERS BRINGS RESULTS.  The results of praying like this are evident.  Our leaders have tremendous power for good or evil.  It has been said that prayer changes things. That’s absolutely true.  It can change the hearts of those who are in power.  Proverbs 21:1 says, The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”   Just as a rushing river exerts pressure against its banks and in the process of time, cuts into the bank and even wears away the rock, so God is able to put pressure on a ruler to move him or her to do the will of God.  Did you know that we have the responsibility to pray for our leaders regardless of their political party?  God has the last word.  Man may rule, but He overrules.  

Let every leader know that it is not the hand that appointed you, nor the hand that pulled the lever in the voting booth, but the hand of God that has brought you to your position.  Your accountability is not ultimately to your constituents, but to Christ before whose judgment seat you and all other humans will stand. You will give an answer for this stewardship for Scripture calls you a minister of God to praise the good and punish the evil (Rom.13). That’s why you need and deserve our prayers. 

Many do not vote and many Christians aren’t involved in the political system because they think it is often rotten and corrupt.  But God has ordained that we be salt to arrest the spread of corruption.  If our world is dark, is it that we have hid our light under a bushel basket?  Prayer changes things and many times it changes us.  We become motivated to be involved. How do we know whom to vote for?  God will guide us as seek Him.

PRAYER FOR OUR LEADERS DEMANDS REGULARITY, also.  We need a regular period, place, and pattern.  Pray specifically and Scripturally.  Pray with focus, fervency and faith.  God will work!

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