Thursday, October 01, 2015


Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. (1 Kings 3:9a)

Many pursue that which they will never achieve and even if they did attain it, has no enduring worth.  It is of this material universe and Scripture tells us that all that is of the world is passing away.  But to pursue God’s wisdom is to find wealth that extends into every area of life.  Solomon obtained this wisdom and so may we.

Solomon was smart enough to know he wasn’t smart enough.  Imagine getting a blank check from God.  He did and notice how he filled it in.  In humility, he acknowledges his need.  He basically says, “I don’t know if I’m coming or going!”  Solomon displays the fear of God.  Scripture says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  He had a love and desire to serve the people that demanded wisdom to succeed.  He knew the work was too great for him.  God delights to answer such prayers.  “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God”  (James 1:5a).

The reason wisdom is so valuable is that it touches every dimension of life.  Wisdom is not mere knowledge.  Knowledge puffs us up the Bible says (1 Cor.8:1).  Wisdom is the ability to take knowledge and apply it in practical ways, especially in the moral realm.  It enables us to understand God’s ways, which are often 180 degrees from man’s ways.  Being rich in wisdom enables you to prosper in other facets of life.  No wonder Solomon advised above all, “Get wisdom” (Prov.4:7).

God gives Solomon discernment.  He is able to make wise decisions.  Solomon desired to administer justice and reign effectively and he does by the gracious gift of wisdom.  The people now respect his leadership ability.  To have a title is not the same as being a leader.  How we need good judgment in leaders—whether in government, the home, business or the church.  Life is about choices and we face them constantly.  Seek God’s guidance.  That’s the key to being successful.

Solomon’s leadership was established.  He shows wisdom in his great organizational skills (1 Kings 4:1-28).  He delegates responsibilities (v.1-7).  Not even a man as wise as Solomon had all the answers.  He needed help.  Wisdom leads us to secure partners.  He gathers resources (v.20-28).  You can’t do a job without the tools required.  A wise leader knows what resources are needed and where to secure the resources needed to get the job done.  The results of all this was a kingdom at peace.  Delegating responsibilities and determining resources will help the leader have peace of mind.  Burn out comes from trying to carry the entire load.  The Apostles recognized this wouldn’t work in the early church (see Acts 6:1-7).  It still won’t.

The king didn’t have to send out a press release trumpeting that he was the wisest man in the world (1 Kings 4:29-34).  The results spoke for themselves.  If we make good decisions and provide good leadership, we don’t have to promote ourselves.  The boss will notice.  The voters will respond.  The church will acknowledge.   We’re not after a title but a testimony.  Ultimately God gives the final accounting.

How we need wisdom!  Ask God like Solomon did.  Stop pursuing earthly wealth and pursue eternal worth—the wealth of wisdom.  God has a treasure chest in His Word.  We are promised to prosper in every way if we meditate on it continually.  Get started now!

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