Monday, November 09, 2015


Josiah was eight years old when he became king….  And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD….  (2 Kings 22:1a, 2a)

We live in dark, desperate, demonic days.  Still, there have been dark days before when God has visited His people with revival.  All He looks for is an open heart He can enter.  He will then transform that life and use them as a spark to ignite a flame.  Josiah was an example of this.  As we look at 2 Kings 22, we can see the difference that one person sold out to God can make.  My prayer is that we will hear the cry to “Return to God!” from the pages of His Word.  

Josiah was only eight years old when crowned king, but “eight is enough.”  From the outset, he inclined his heart toward God and purposed to establish his reign in righteousness.  Reflecting on Josiah’s age, we must acknowledge the indisputable fact that young people’s hearts are more responsive to God than the aged.  If someone isn’t saved before they get out of High School, the odds are great that they will never be saved.  It isn’t impossible for a senior adult to be saved, for with God all things are possible, but it is improbable.  That is why we must focus on children and student ministries!  We need to encourage and equip our young people in discipleship for they will contain the fire that will change our world for good or bad.

The neglect of the house of God was a clear indicator of the backsliding of God’s people.  When we lose the zeal for worship, alarm bells should go off.  Time and again I have seen people’s spiritual life start spiraling downward at this point.  In revival, the worship of God becomes a priority again. 

Psalm 119:130 says, “The entrance of Your words gives light.”  In those dark days, the light of truth broke upon the people.  It was the Word of God that brought the world out of the dark ages in the revival we call the Protestant Reformation.  Martin Luther searched the Scriptures and there God brought light to his heart.  Revival will never occur without a return to the study, exposition, and application of the Word of God.

Brokenness brought blessedness.  It is always in that order.  It isn’t mere sorrow over the consequences of sin, but over the condition of sin.  There is a difference you know. The prisons are full of people sorry for their crimes, but they are sorry for the consequences, sorry they were caught. They are not repentant for many when released turn to a life of crime.  “For godly sorrow produces repentance” (2 Cor. 7:10). The path that leads us to return to God is paved with tears of contrition.

Once again the people of God have a message to proclaim.  It is backed by the evidence of transformed lives.  The testimony of the lips must always be supported by the testimony of the life. If we’ve damaged our credibility through moral failure, it is time to have it restored through renewed obedience. 

When God comes in the devil must go.  If there is true revival a moral clean up is going to occur.  The stench of sin must be washed away that the sweet savor of sanctification might pervade. We talk about revival, even pray for revival, but until we are willing to turn from our wicked ways we will not experience it. 

Josiah was only one man, but his life made a difference.  Will ours?

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