Wednesday, December 02, 2015


Who is a God like You,
Pardoning iniquity
And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?
He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in mercy.  (Micah 7:18)

We can be faithful to God, even if those about us are unfaithful.  That was what Micah faced, and we hear the despair in his voice as we come to the final chapter of his prophecy (v.1).  It is hard to be faithful when you are not fruitful.  He considers his ministry and despite all his effort, the people will not listen.  He declares that the faithful are not to be found (v.2).  Far from the nation being a holy people and practicing righteousness, the man of God offers an indictment of the many crimes of Israel.  From the prince in the throne room, to the judge in the courtroom, and the businessman in the merchant shop, there is bribery and injustice (v.3).  They would not evade punishment for their wickedness forever—a day of reckoning was coming (v.4).
Micah felt as though no one could be trusted (v.5-6).  Even his friends and family failed him.  There is One, however, we can always trust—God will be faithful when no one else is (v.7).  We are to “look to the LORD,” for to look around us is to find reason to despair, but to look above us is to find strength to stay true.  We must “wait for…God,” resisting the cultural current with the anchor of the hope of salvation.  We ought to continue to call upon the Lord for He “will hear,” and answer in His time and in His way.  There was a supplanting of fear with faith, as the prophet looked past the unfaithfulness of men to the faithfulness of God (v.8-10).
The love, grace, and mercy of God are unchangeable—His purposes unalterable and promises unbreakable—despite the faithlessness of men.  The Good Shepherd will care for His flock—even the straying ones (v.11-20).  His rod of correction may chasten His sheep, but His staff will lift them and lead them when they fall.  What a comfort this is!
None compares to our great God!  His forgiveness reaches to the most unfaithful.  His anger has its limits, but His mercy knows no bounds!  His grace will conquer.  God takes our sins and casts them into the deepest ocean, and places a sign that says, “NO FISHING”!  He is the covenant keeping God.  His truth was sufficient to overwhelm the deceitful nature of a stubborn rogue like Jacob.  His mercy was enough to reach into a pagan city and call an idolatrous man named Abraham to faith.
God is good when we are not.  His grace abounds to the chief of sinners.  Do not despair because of the unfaithfulness all about you, but meditate deeply on the faithfulness of an unfailing God!  Stop looking around at others, and look up at Omnipotence.  It will make all the difference.

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