Saturday, July 02, 2016


“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭10:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Every temptation questions the goodness of God.  We are at a crossroad of decision--to trust or doubt the character of God, to believe in His wisdom or our own, to rely on His gracious hand to provide or take matters into our own hands.  Adam and Eve were persuaded by the Tempter to distrust God's character and disobey His command, and we suffer the horrible consequences of that choice still.  We repeat the same folly far too often.

Understand that the temptation does not always come in the form of some heinous crime or vile debauchery--it may be as subtle as when facing disappointment, disease, or death that we become bitter toward God.  A financial bankruptcy, chronic pain, the death of a child--these and other things will test our faith, and tempt us to doubt God.

Now, the temptation is not a sin.  Jesus was tempted at all points as we are--yet without sin.  The wrestling with the temptation is spiritual warfare, but it is not sin.  Sin is when we surrender--when we embrace Satan's accusation against God.  "You can't trust God.  Why don't you curse Him and die!"

Temptation will often overtake us like that.  We don't have to look for it--it finds us.  Sometimes we think that no one else has ever faced such a trial, but there is nothing new under the sun.  Others have grappled with this and withstood the strain.  The same God who made a way of escape for them, will do so for us.

The truth we rely on is this: "God is faithful."  No matter what the circumstance screams, despite what the Devil or his minions say, even if we cannot understand and the pain pierces our soul, this truth is unchanging.

Grace is given in that moment to endure the test.  A way of escape is given to escape the temptation.  Run to His arms, trust in His Word, believe in His love, even when everything calls for you to doubt Him, run from Him, and become bitter toward Him.  You can have God or follow the Serpent's counsel to be your own god--that you know better than Him.

I did not say that you will never question.  I cannot promise you will not hurt.  I am not assuring you that all makes sense.  My father and mother sung many times, "I don't need to understand; I just need to hold His hand."

Every temptation questions the goodness of God.  We are at a crossroad of decision--to trust or doubt the character of God, to believe in His wisdom or our own, to rely on His gracious hand to provide or take matters into our own hands.  Adam and Eve were persuaded by the Tempter to distrust God's character and disobey His command, and we suffer the horrible consequences of that choice still.  We repeat the same folly far too often.

Understand that the temptation does not always come in the form of some heinous crime or vile debauchery--it may be as subtle as when facing disappointment, disease, or death that we become bitter toward God.  A financial bankruptcy, chronic pain, the death of a child--these and other things will test our faith, and tempt us to doubt God.

Now, the temptation is not a sin.  Jesus was tempted at all points as we are--yet without sin.  The wrestling with the temptation is spiritual warfare, but it is not sin.  Sin is when we surrender--when we embrace Satan's accusation against God.  "You can't trust God.  Why don't you curse Him and die!"

Temptation will often overtake us like that.  We don't have to look for it--it finds us.  Sometimes we think that no one else has ever faced such a trial, but there is nothing new under the sun.  Others have grappled with this and withstood the strain.  The same God who made a way of escape for them, will do so for us.

The truth we rely on is this: "God is faithful."  No matter what the circumstance screams, despite what the Devil or his minions say, even if we cannot understand and the pain pierces our soul, this truth is unchanging.

Grace is given in that moment to endure the test.  A way of escape is given to escape the temptation.  Run to His arms, trust in His Word, believe in His love, even when everything calls for you to doubt Him, run from Him, and become bitter toward Him.  You can have God or follow the Serpent's counsel to be your own god--that you know better than Him.

I did not say that you will never question.  I cannot promise you will not hurt.  I am not assuring you that all makes sense.  My father and mother sung many times, "I don't need to understand; I just need to hold His hand."  

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