Monday, August 22, 2016


In a matter of days, Pole Creek will be celebrating a birthday—a big one!  It is hard to believe, but for 100 years this church has been a beacon of light in the Candler community—whose impact reaches around the world.  That is what a missionary church does—and that is what Pole Creek has been, and by the help of God will remain until Jesus comes!
Pole Creek was birthed in the red-hot fires of revival, and we pray the fire will keep burning as we have a revival scheduled for Homecoming weekend.  Young Derrick McCarson, who grew up in Pole Creek—shaped by its ministry—will preach on Friday night, September 9 at 6:45 PM.  Along with our choir, special music will be provided by his wife, Caitlin.  Derrick now serves our sister church, Liberty, just down the road.  God has his hand on that young man.  Dr. Doug Ferguson will preach on Saturday, September 10 at 6 PM with his wife, Joan, singing for us.  When I came to Pole Creek’s staff twenty-one years ago, Doug was the Senior Pastor.  How I was blessed by the ministry in sermon and song from this godly couple!  They now serve Heritage Hills in Conyers, Georgia and are doing a great work.  Sunday morning starts early, 10:30 AM worship (no Sunday School) with Dr. Johnnie Tiller preaching.  Dr. Tiller will have just turned 90, and we are praying the Lord will give him great stamina to share with us that day!  He has made a huge impact on many for the kingdom in a lifetime of Christian service.  Of course, we will eat all the delicious food you bring when Homecoming concludes with fellowship around the table.
It is a good thing to remember what God has done and give Him thanks.  That is what the children of Israel did when God parted the Jordan River miraculously and brought them into the Promised Land.
And those twelve stones which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up in Gilgal. Then he spoke to the children of Israel, saying: “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’ then you shall let your children know, saying, ‘Israel crossed over this Jordan on dry land’; for the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed over, that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.” (Joshua 4:20-24)
Remembering the past would give them a foundation for the future.  There was much to celebrate, but much more to do!  Let us be inspired by the past, but recognize that these “stones” have been put to place to give a platform for future ministry.  I refuse to accept the premise that Pole Creek’s best days are behind us—wonderful as they have been—but, that God is going to do incredible things in the years to come!  Let us pray, trust, and obey so if time lasts another 100 years, Pole Creek will still be shining—a light of hope for the world!

1 comment:

  1. Marking my calendar for the dates of your revival and Homecoming . Such a big time got the church...100 years. Pray your services will be blessed, a new spirit of revival to break out for your church and God's hand to increase your gain for lost souls in these days we are living in today. Praying your turnout will be good, many will be blessed and that your ministry will reap to over flowing for the seeds you have shown. God's blessings on you, your family and the church.

    Love & prayers,
    Mary Taylor
